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What can I do now? Huge mistake crafting (>.<)

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  • #16
    Fishing is not considered a craft so you can have 100 skill in that as well as 100 skill in Woodworking. Any other craft can only go up to 60.
    Just do it.

    There are 3 kinds of lies: Lies,Damn Lies, and Statistics


    • #17
      Originally posted by Balfree
      What he means is:

      If you have Cooking and Woodscraft at max, for example,
      and a friend of yours who is on your party has bonecrafting and blacksmith for example, you both compliment each other, just like in a party, 2 or more people compliment eachother by sharing these skills/guilds, got it?
      Good god....
      Yes, 2.0 got me. When you make a PT for XP you dont recruit members based on their crafting skills. Trust me, a PT leader wont say "Well, I have level 80 cooking, lets find someone that has 60+ woodwork so he can compliment me!"
      Sure you can ask a buddy of yours to make you an item with a craft you dont have, but that doesnt answer my question of WHY.
      So basically, what you are saying is that SE did this so you can ask, nag and beg other ppl to craft items for you? And after all you could just skip that and use some mules to level the other crafts.

      Reread my post please if you want to answer. I am asking WHY the need for this. As I see it, it is just an inconvenience. Its clear its not even there to prevent someone to hog the market by being an uber crafter(if thats even possible), since you can 'easily' just use multiple mules to level all crafts to 100.

      Originally posted by Balfree
      And i dont even play the game <_<
      Oh it shows. >_>
      PLD 72 - WAR 35 - NIN 13 -THF 15
      BLM 42 - WHM 32 - RDM 25
      RNG, BRD, SAM 07
      MNK 12 - DRG and SMN 01

      Sandorian Rank 10
      Zm13 complete

      Cooking 71 ~ Fishing 80 ~ Woodwork 55 ~ Alchemy 55

      'Big' items so far: Steppe Belt, Dark Staff, Earth Staff, Gluttony Sword, Espandon +1 and Cassie Earring.
      Obtained Lu'shang rod 07/19/2004
      /happy Tawu dance. ^-^


      • #18
        Originally posted by Biterman
        [B]Good god....
        Yes, 2.0 got me. When you make a PT for XP you dont recruit members based on their crafting skills. Trust me, a PT leader wont say "Well, I have level 80 cooking, lets find someone that has 60+ woodwork so he can compliment me!"
        It was an analogy. The poster was saying that you cannot complete the game alone, whether you're talking about crafting, xp, Dynamis, or many other facets of the game. FFXI is designed to make you rely on other players for assistance in many situations.
        If you have 100 crafting in all tradeskills, you can craft anything you want. SE prevents this by allowing you 40 points to raise any craft skill about 60. If you want two craft skills above 60, you can only raise them up to 40 points combined. This way, you cannot craft everything and must still ask others for aid. It also goes without saying that if you had every craft skill at 100, I'm there would be many markets that you could monopolize.
        This relates to XP because you cannot complete this portion of the game alone (save maybe BST). You have to rely on others to help you get your experience points. See the correlation?


        • #19
          Originally posted by MMan530
          It was an analogy. The poster was saying that you cannot complete the game alone, whether you're talking about crafting, xp, Dynamis, or many other facets of the game. FFXI is designed to make you rely on other players for assistance in many situations.
          If you have 100 crafting in all tradeskills, you can craft anything you want. SE prevents this by allowing you 40 points to raise any craft skill about 60. If you want two craft skills above 60, you can only raise them up to 40 points combined. This way, you cannot craft everything and must still ask others for aid. It also goes without saying that if you had every craft skill at 100, I'm there would be many markets that you could monopolize.
          This relates to XP because you cannot complete this portion of the game alone (save maybe BST). You have to rely on others to help you get your experience points. See the correlation?
          *bangs head on desk* Does anyone here even bother reading post anymore?

          You say: "If you have 100 crafting in all tradeskills, you can craft anything you want. SE prevents this by allowing you 40 points to raise any craft skill about 60. If you want two craft skills above 60, you can only raise them up to 40 points combined. This way, you cannot craft everything and must still ask others for aid.

          When just in the post above you I said: "As I see it, it is just an inconvenience. Its clear its not even there to prevent someone to hog the market by being an uber crafter(if thats even possible), since you can 'easily' just use multiple mules to level all crafts to 100."

          SE doesnt prevent you from getting all crafts to 100 all by yourself AT ALL. They just inconvenience you by having to do it with multiple mules. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ASK OTHERS FOR AID.
          PLD 72 - WAR 35 - NIN 13 -THF 15
          BLM 42 - WHM 32 - RDM 25
          RNG, BRD, SAM 07
          MNK 12 - DRG and SMN 01

          Sandorian Rank 10
          Zm13 complete

          Cooking 71 ~ Fishing 80 ~ Woodwork 55 ~ Alchemy 55

          'Big' items so far: Steppe Belt, Dark Staff, Earth Staff, Gluttony Sword, Espandon +1 and Cassie Earring.
          Obtained Lu'shang rod 07/19/2004
          /happy Tawu dance. ^-^


          • #20
            Originally posted by Biterman
            Well this royally sucks...there goes my dream of getting most crafts to 80+

            I seriously had no idea about this. Now the question is why? Why would SE do this? I mean, whats the harm of getting all your crafting done with one character?
            To make more money off, you, the customer who spends a dollar more a month to have a mule.

            Sounds pretty smart to me.
            "I will not fear."

            Leaping Lizzy: 0/1
            Jaggedy Eared Jack: 0/1
            Valkurm Emporer: -1/0 (got aggroed and he owned me...)

            My future: Dark Knight


            • #21
              Yup yup, it does make sense for them (damn them for making me create 3 mules) from a financial point of view.
              In game, I still dont see why the need for this.

              Mostly its a "its the way it is, bend over and take it". =\
              PLD 72 - WAR 35 - NIN 13 -THF 15
              BLM 42 - WHM 32 - RDM 25
              RNG, BRD, SAM 07
              MNK 12 - DRG and SMN 01

              Sandorian Rank 10
              Zm13 complete

              Cooking 71 ~ Fishing 80 ~ Woodwork 55 ~ Alchemy 55

              'Big' items so far: Steppe Belt, Dark Staff, Earth Staff, Gluttony Sword, Espandon +1 and Cassie Earring.
              Obtained Lu'shang rod 07/19/2004
              /happy Tawu dance. ^-^


              • #22
                actually.... having all crafts to 100 on a single character and having all crafts to 100 split between 4-5 characters is a very big difference.... the person with 4-5 characters will have a much harder time HQ synths that require skill in more than 1 guild....


                • #23
                  You can't single handly own the market in this game and it's the way it should be.

                  American history for an example. Standard oil company, they didn't just control the oil incase you're wondering. Everything from step 1 to whatever. Also their was a steel company, this was awhile ago so i don't remember the name. But they did something similar either late 1800s or early 1900s. This game prevents you from controlling all the steps without a price.

                  As for making more characters, your choice. But crafting is seems meant to be similar to the jobs we can choose in this game. You have to specialize, not be the leet soloist. If you don't specialize you'll fall flat on your face. Examples such as drk/rdm, war/blm, blm/war, whm/drk? In a sense that's somewhat similar to taking no craft to 100 and trying to have presense in X craft.

                  Things to keep in mind if there was no cap on points of the standard cap in crafts.

                  1. JP got the game with a 2 year headstart about
                  2. Many by now and even when we started had tons of gil, if they've been playing a long time
                  3. Several would've been at the max lvl in all crafts before you even began.
                  4. The markets would be even more controlled than the are now, and you'd be paying insane prices to try and get to 100. Think taking a craft to 100 is super expensive now? I know I do. Imagine it being alot worse due to monopolies.

                  In otherwords you'll never get to 100 going against such control. You'd be trying to ice skate up a mountain.


                  • #24
                    i see all those reason and they make sense. just another thing to think about is the fact that when you get a craft to 100, you're considered a 'master' of that craft. craftsmen in real life would never be considered 'masters' if they did some silversmithing, some blacksmithing, some carpentry. the true 'masters' stuck with their craft, and that's about it.


                    • #25
                      i see the correlation very clearly, maybe you should read into it. pretty simple... work together, you're not meant to be able to do everything by yourself.



                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Biterman
                        Yup yup, it does make sense for them (damn them for making me create 3 mules) from a financial point of view.
                        In game, I still dont see why the need for this.

                        Mostly its a "its the way it is, bend over and take it". =\
                        This is why you have LinkShells. Because come on, playing a MMORPG to be alone all the time. Sure I like my loner-like fishing sometimes, but I wouldn't do everything by myself or I'd just stick with a console game. If you don't want to specialize like they said, well you'll just take 20 times longer to do the same thing you could have traded some thing for (ie trading a 100 skill clothcraft item for an equivalent 100 skill blacksmith item to someone you know).

                        By the way I had 3 mules also, but not to raise crafts really, just to be able to sell to all 3 major cities whenever I want, and for more item slots.

                        I had fishing going up and considered Woodworking later to repair rods, but now that I have to restart (yeah 4 months unpaid = restart anew weee), I might take another craft or sets of craft. I'd let someone else repair my rods maybe (I can still get Fishing 100), and something else.
                        Beware the darkness hidden in shadows

                        Member of OGN


                        • #27
                          You people asume I a big loner with no high lvl crafter friends, with no linkshells, and somehow managed to get to 60 solo.:p

                          Dunno why, but seems no likes to read full posts and just reply to a paragraph. Bummer, I couldnt get an intelligent discussion with someone who could see past the "but its nice to have friends and look at bunnies!" (which again, I dont go against/lack/oppose, but its not my point).
                          PLD 72 - WAR 35 - NIN 13 -THF 15
                          BLM 42 - WHM 32 - RDM 25
                          RNG, BRD, SAM 07
                          MNK 12 - DRG and SMN 01

                          Sandorian Rank 10
                          Zm13 complete

                          Cooking 71 ~ Fishing 80 ~ Woodwork 55 ~ Alchemy 55

                          'Big' items so far: Steppe Belt, Dark Staff, Earth Staff, Gluttony Sword, Espandon +1 and Cassie Earring.
                          Obtained Lu'shang rod 07/19/2004
                          /happy Tawu dance. ^-^


                          • #28
                            To recap.. please confirm this...

                            I can get ALL crafts up to lvl 60, and because I have only 40 points for above 60, can have 1 craft to lvl 100?

                            (excluding Fishing)...

                            Is this the fact?

                            43 Monk; 25 Warrior; 20 Theif; 10 Dragoon; 11 Dark Knight; 7 Ninja.

                            55 Red Mage; 32 Black Mage; 27 White Mage.


                            • #29
                              Yes, you only have 40 points to spare past 60.
                              So you can get all crafts to 60 then one to 100, or two crafts to 80, or four crafts to 70....etc.
                              PLD 72 - WAR 35 - NIN 13 -THF 15
                              BLM 42 - WHM 32 - RDM 25
                              RNG, BRD, SAM 07
                              MNK 12 - DRG and SMN 01

                              Sandorian Rank 10
                              Zm13 complete

                              Cooking 71 ~ Fishing 80 ~ Woodwork 55 ~ Alchemy 55

                              'Big' items so far: Steppe Belt, Dark Staff, Earth Staff, Gluttony Sword, Espandon +1 and Cassie Earring.
                              Obtained Lu'shang rod 07/19/2004
                              /happy Tawu dance. ^-^


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Biterman
                                Well this royally sucks...there goes my dream of getting most crafts to 80+

                                I seriously had no idea about this. Now the question is why? Why would SE do this? I mean, whats the harm of getting all your crafting done with one character?
                                One reason I've seen for this is that it allows for specialization. If everyone could get every craft to 100, then the value of those ultra-high level crafts would go down because there would be so much more in the market. It kinda makes sense to me. It also really encourages cooperation between players to get what they want.

