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Is there a Woodworking 101

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  • Is there a Woodworking 101

    I've heard that woodworking is the way to go for rng's and that it can save a ton (even potentially make money). Only thing is I cant find a guide that gives more help on the best things to synth for the skillups.

    Any high lvl woodworkers out there that could give me some pointers?
    I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

    PSN: Caspian

  • #2
    do a search theres a opst somewhere down there on the list lol...

    well u wnot save money exactly, sure they cheaper but u gotta skill up to be able to make ur higher level arrows and those can eat ur money away

    basicly moneyf rom woodworking = HQ Shihei


    • #3
      read this thread

      Originally posted by TypeSDragoon
      revised guide with added info

      1-2: Arrowwood lumber, save for stone arrows, and for future arrow crafting
      1x Wind crystal
      1x Arrowwood Log - Vendor

      2-3: Stone arrows, sell at AH
      1x Earth crystal
      1x Arrowwood Lumber - craft or buy at AH for nearly 3k/stack (costs much less to craft)
      1x Stone Arrowhead - AH
      1x Chocobo Fletching - AH, or craft. you can make them at skill zero (Wind crystal, 2x Chocobo feathers)

      3-4: Wooden arrows, sell at AH
      1x Wind crystal
      1x Arrowwood Lumber
      1x Flint Stone - AH
      2x Chocobo Feather - vendor

      4-8: Ash lumber, save for silver arrows
      1x Wind crystal
      1x Ash Log - vendor

      *** Workbench for skill 10 cap test (buy from Carpenter's Guild, AH, or craft one) ***
      1x Earth crystal
      4x Lauan Lumber - Carpenter's Guild Merchant

      8-13: Willow lumber, save for willow wand
      1x Wind crystal
      1x Willow Log - Carpenter's Guild Merchant, OR South San Doria, Cletae D-8, 120gil

      13-14: Willow wand, sell to vendor (or AH if you feel patient)
      1x Wind crystal
      1x Willow Lumber
      1x Insect Wing - AH

      *** Maple Table for skill 20 cap test (buy at AH or craft) ***
      1x Earth crystal
      4x Maple Lumber - Carpenter's Guild Merchant

      14-21: Maple sugar, sell at AH
      1x Lightning crystal
      1x Maple Log - vendor

      21-30: Silver arrows, sell at AH, you can also make them into quivers to save space
      1x Earth crystal
      1x Ash Lumber - vendor
      1x Silver Arrowhead - AH
      1x Yagudo Fletching - AH

      *** Harp for skill 30 cap test (buy at AH or craft) ***
      1x Earth crystal
      2x Chestnut Lumber - Carpenter's Guild Merchant
      1x Coeurl Whisker - AH

      30-39: Beetle arrows, sell at AH, you can also make them into quivers to save space
      1x Earth crystal
      1x Arrowwood Lumber - craft or AH
      1x Chocobo Fletching - AH
      1x Beetle Arrowhead - AH

      *** Traversiere for skill 40 cap test (buy at AH or craft) ***
      1x Wind Crystal
      1x Oak Lumber - Carpenter's Guild Merchant
      1x Parchment - AH

      39-49: Horn arrows, sell at AH, you can also make them into quivers to save space
      1x Earth crystal
      1x Arrowwood Lumber - craft or AH
      1x Bird Fletching - AH
      1x Horn Arrowhead - AH

      *** Rose Wand for skill 50 cap test (buy at AH or craft) ***
      1x Wind Crystal
      1x Black Chocobo Feather - AH
      1x Rosewood Lumber - Carpenter's Guild Merchant

      49-59: Scorpion arrows, sell at AH
      1x Earth crystal
      1x Arrowwood Lumber - craft or AH
      1x Scorpion Arrowhead - AH
      1x Insect Fletchings - AH

      *** Kaman for skill 60 cap test (buy at AH or craft) ***
      1x Wind Crystal
      1x Wool Cloth - Meriri, Windurst Woods F-12
      1x Silk Thread - Meriri, Windurst Woods F-12
      1x Bamboo Stick - vendor
      1x Elm Lumber - Carpenter's Guild Merchant


      59-63: Repair broken Tarutaru fishing rods
      Buy two dozen rods, stacks of sliced bluetail (fast break) or stacks of meatballs (slower break).
      Head to the ferry to skillup and break rods. Then go to San Doria, get Advanced woodworking image support and repair the rods.
      At 61-62 skill just repair them when the boat docks on Selbina/Mhaura. Sell leftover rods to vendor or AH when done.
      It's much faster to have warp to get back to town,then use the outpost warp to get to Selbina quickly again.
      Buy rods at AH
      1x Light crystal
      1x Broken Taru Taru Rod

      63-67/68: Demon arrows OR start Clothespoles now
      1x Earth crystal
      1x Arrowwood Lumber - craft or AH
      1x Demon Arrowhead - AH
      1x Black Chocobo Fletching -AH

      *** Ebony Wand for skill 70 cap test (buy at AH or craft) ***
      1x Wind Crystal
      1x Giant Bird Feather - AH
      1x Ebony Lumber - AH or craft (Wind Crystal, Ebony Log x1 - Carpenter's Guild Merchant)

      67/68-73: Repair broken Clothespoles
      same procedure as Tarutaru fishing rods. Get Clothespoles for 1800-2000gil from AH, or 1900gil fishing shop in Selbina.
      1x Light crystal
      1x Broken Clothespole

      73-80: Repair Broken Lu Shang's Fishing Rod
      1x Light crystal
      1x Broken Lu Shang's Fishing Rod

      ************ KEY NOTES **************
      Moghancement: Light as a key item. I placed 4 white jars in mog house.
      Moghancement: Earth as a key item. I placed a yellow jar in mog house.
      you can buy these cheaper than AH from Ensasa in Windurst Waters H - 9

      to make quivers:
      In whichever city is first in conquest, you will find a Mithra with the travelling circus/minstrels/whatever. This group can be found in Southern San d'Oria across from the Auction House, Windurst Woods near the fountain, or Port Bastok near the Gustaberg gate, depending on which city is first in conquest. The Mithra in question is sitting off to the side instead of actually performing with the group.
      You will need 1 carnation for EACH stack of 99 arrows. Carnations can be purchased at the flower shop in Upper Jeuno for around 60 gil a piece, or purchased from Auction House under Materials >> Alchemy. She will only quiver full stacks of 99 arrows.
      Simply trade the arrows and the carnations to the mithra at the same time, and she will give you the quivers in return.
      You can trade several stacks of arrows and several carnations to her at once so you don't have to do a separate trade for every single quiver. For example, the most slots you can trade to someone at once is 8, so you can trade 7 stacks of Silver Arrows, and 7 carnations (all in one stack) to receive 7 quivers all at once.
      Quivers can be stacked, with up to 12 quivers in one stack. This means that you can carry a total of 1188 (12 x 99) arrows in a single inventory slot. (from

      also, don't forget to get image support for lower lvl's, and advanced support for higher lvl's

      craft on days that are good for that crystal

      from Icemage

      List of vendors: (check to see which naton controls the region!!!!!)

      Maple Log - Fauregandi region
      Rodellieux, Bastok Mines H-6
      Vichuel, San Doria North F-4
      Shei Pohrichamaha, Port Windurst B-4

      Arrowwood Log and Ash Log - Norvallen region
      Mille, Bastok Mines G-6
      Machielle, San Doria South G-9
      Posso Ruhbini, Port Windurst D-7

      Chocobo feather
      Ferdoulemiont next to Chocobo stable, San Doria South

      Willow Log
      Carpenter's Guild Merchant
      South San Doria, Cletae D-8, 120gil

      Bamboo Stick
      Carpenter's Guild Merchant
      Jabbar, Port Bastok F-6
      Numa, Port Bastok E-7
      - Valefor - PLD75/WAR37 - Rank 10 - Fishing skill 100!! - Woodworking 80 - Cooking 35 - PROFILE LINK


      • #4
        Originally posted by Basher
        from Icemage
        Sick, thanks for posting this link, must have missed it before. Great guide too.
        [ 75PLD / 75WAR / 75BLU / 75NIN / 75DNC / 41MNK ] : [100 +3 bonecraft / 60 +1 leathercraft ] : [ LJ: ]


        • #5
          so yea i want to start this can anyone give me an estimated price for getting from lvl 1-60 for woodworking thnx


          • #6
            Originally posted by Roronoa Zoro
            so yea i want to start this can anyone give me an estimated price for getting from lvl 1-60 for woodworking thnx

            Originally posted by Basher
            read this thread
            note keyword "read"
            - Valefor - PLD75/WAR37 - Rank 10 - Fishing skill 100!! - Woodworking 80 - Cooking 35 - PROFILE LINK


            • #7


              • #8
                sticky me please!


                • #9

                  Actually I'd edit this a bit.First off Don't make silver arrows until level 23.I tried starting at 22, just that 8 level gap broke me about 3k of materials, so you definitely don't want to start until 7 levels if there's at all a cheap enough bridge to be built. The only part where there's not a good enough bridge is Scorpion Arrows, so you end up starting 8 below there. I did Yew lumber(200 at AH)and Yew wands to bridge the gap.Secondly Why horn at 39?You'll break more than it's worth.I'd go fang arrows until 42 then Horn.Fang sells reasonably fast at Jueno and windhurst.


                  • #10
                    Also keep in mind that this guide is geared towards fishermen, not other woodworkers. Of course, any amateur woodworker can tell you the path from 1-59 (or 62 even) is pretty easily paved for you, and there's not much thinking to do. Nonetheless, this is also centered around the idea that to level past 73, you have to obtain a Lu Shang's rod, which will put most of us out anywhere from 2-4 million gil-- not too bad if you consider that you can sell it back I suppose, but that's a very large initial investment, and if you've got that kinda money already, well, LoL, you have no need for a craft like woodworking.

                    I know I bitch and moan a lot about the status of woodworking-- I really don't think it's a bad idea for people to take it to 59/60 just to have as a utility craft and to make a scant bit of gil during leveling it. Once you hit 72/73 it starts to get really hellish. It's utterly painless up til 60, and then it becomes near impossible to raise without losing upwards of 5K per synth ;_;

                    The introduction of Bodkin arrows is nice at least-- they are slightly less painful than Demon Arrows (I can craft my own arrowheads, but some of you may have to wait out a price drop ;p) Some have sold for 40K a stack on my server O_O


                    • #11
                      with the introduction of bodkin arrows, prices of demon arrowheads will fall as nobody will want to use them.... so it breaks even either way.


                      • #12
                        Nice guide, following it at the moment to try and get woodworking to a decent enough level so my RNG can make arrows for cheaper than AH price. Working well so far. Does the synth support help just the success rate, or the chance of a skillup as well?


                        • #13
                          just fyi, don't bother raising woodworking to make _arrows_ as these are made for skillups and usually are below cost @ Sandy AH (though this will vary depending on how many people are raising wood @ that moment). Bolt HQs can be very handy, so you may want 60 skill (+31 for shihei), 67 skill (where you have +51 for Holy bolts and most enfeeble bolts), or 80 skill (+51 for shihei).

                          HQ support will add +3 to your skill. skillup is still determined from your original skill, i.e. if you want to raise skill from a failed synth you must be within 5 skill points BEFORE the support is added (i.e. you can gain skill fixing alu shang and failing at 75, but not until you hit 75 can you do so).

                          So yeah, if whatever you're synthing looks like it'd be better if it didn't synth, don't put support on and pray that your materials stay intact when that crystal breaks.

