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B"word" on fishing ecomny..

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  • #31
    Just because YOU do not find fishing enjoyable does not mean that the rest of the world does not.

    How do I know he doesn't bot? There are a lot of things that dedicated FFXI fishermen know that botters do not. I've seen PetriW's posts both here and elsewhere on many occasions. PetriW knows what he is talking about, and knows many things that a botter would never even consider; ergo, he does not bot. The difference between a botter and a legitimate fisherman is night and day - it is a very obvious difference in terms of experience and knowledge.

    I happen to take a harder line than he does with my opinion of botters, but I respect his opinion because I understand his point of view, even if I do not agree with it.



    • #32
      I don't understand. Is FFXIOnline's bandwidth in short supply? Should we begin rationing posts, only allowing one per day per user? And trust me on this one: if we based a post's worth solely on its necessity, the boards would be a lonely, lonely place.
      "I am a beautiful animal! I am a destroyer of worlds! I am Harry Fucking Potter!" -- Wizard People, Dear Reader


      • #33
        Originally posted by neosoul
        read a book? Like I said you need a brain lobotomy to enjoy fishing.
        I dont think everyone pays a monthly fee to read a book and type macros. Besides being overly defensive already spoiled the integrity of your posts.
        Lol, I do my homework while fishing, and since I study at university level I have a lot of homework. Usually over 50 hours a week spent on that.
        Now I could either:
        a) fish/farm/whatever gil when I have nothing better to do
        b) fish while studying and do fun stuff when I'm free

        As for being overly defensive, yes I think the whole "omg bots are evil" thing is a bit overdone by the trolls around here and I kinda enjoy ranting about it.
        And currently I mostly fish in Sea Serpents Grotto, I'd like to see someone who dares to botfish there at 59.

        Edit: And I've never read a Harry Potter book... Current book is by Ian Kershaw, not that you'd know who that is.
        Shina - Rank 6 Mithra of Windurst on Ragnarok, ZM done, CoP done
        BRD75, BST65, RNG60, BLM49, WHM40, NIN35, SMN26, WAR18, RDM15, BLU15, PLD13, MNK11, DNC10
        100 Fisher, 84 Woodworker, 70 Goldsmith, 60 Alchemist, 58 Culinarian, 38 Blacksmith, 23 Weaver, 17 Bonecrafter, 8 Tanner


        • #34
          Edit: And I've never read a Harry Potter book... Current book is by Ian Kershaw, not that you'd know who that is.
          If I'm supposed to be offended by this you are a bigger nerd than I thought.


          • #35
            Mommy! Daddy! No more yelling!!! I'll be good!!! I'll clean my room!!!

            I promise!!!

            /em cleans his room, sets macro to fish, picks up Harry Potter book...

            HEHEHEH! Oh Harry, how you make me laugh.

            Oooh... fish...


            • #36
              Jesus, Neosoul, talk about defensive. He didn't even dis you at all, and you are defending yourself. Please, just stop. Shesh...

              Anyway, I think this should be closed, I smell flame war.


              • #37
                Flame wars are good!
                (Granted, not for your warning count...)
                Shina - Rank 6 Mithra of Windurst on Ragnarok, ZM done, CoP done
                BRD75, BST65, RNG60, BLM49, WHM40, NIN35, SMN26, WAR18, RDM15, BLU15, PLD13, MNK11, DNC10
                100 Fisher, 84 Woodworker, 70 Goldsmith, 60 Alchemist, 58 Culinarian, 38 Blacksmith, 23 Weaver, 17 Bonecrafter, 8 Tanner


                • #38
                  it's getting hot in here
                  so take off all your clothes

                  fo shizzle


                  • #39
                    I think this post got a lil bit off topic... anyone have any opions on botting that have not been said?

                    that bit how a legit knows alot more about fishing that a botter is so true..
                    i've seen a guy "where should i fish at lvl 62?"
                    jeeze, wtf? how do u get to 62 and not have a site to look up?
                    /point's at the botter.

                    (lets stay on topic, flame wars are funny btw)


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by twylyght
                      Cheating is altering the game to an unfair advantage. Having a computer program do a task for you is in no way alteration of the game. The only thing that is "altered" is your budget. I don't see how that is an unfair advantage. Anyone can use the bot.
                      PS2 users cannot use fishing bots, PC users can. This creates an unfair advantage.
                      Typho - Elvaan - San d'Oria - Rank 10 - Titan

                      THF - 75 | RNG - 55 | NIN - 38 | WAR - 27 | WHM - 20 | SAM - 16 | MNK - 14 | BLM - 10


                      • #41
                        Well, I dislike botting-wotting. It all started with Ragnarok Online, and it went from there.

                        Looks like the "Alt+Tab = Crash the game" idea that Square-Enix had isn't too effective against botting.

                        But in all seriousness, botting is cheating, and I dislike it. Those who bot should be ashamed.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by neosoul
                          read a book? Like I said you need a brain lobotomy to enjoy fishing.

                          I dont think everyone pays a monthly fee to read a book and type macros. Besides being overly defensive already spoiled the integrity of your posts.

                          You do know most things in this game for making money really isn't 'fun'. Fishing maybe be boring by just hitting a macro all day. But it probably more easy and make more money farming a mob. Fishing you can atleast multitask. Because he is a high level doesn't neccessary make him a bot.


                          • #43
                            PetriW, I agree 100% with you... well, 99%, I don't read when I fish, I chat, and I clear my storage so much, I can afford not sorting storage for 1 hour worth fishing. :p

                            I, sorry to say, I fished at the same spot in san d'oria for a week straight, exact same spot, I chose to stand there because I am waiting for some 'OMFG FISH BOT' idiot to report me lol Am I just evil or what? Oh, and when I camp NM, I usually stay at one spot again, just so people think I am a bot you see? GM can't really ban me, because I never used a bot, rule didn't say you can't pretend to be a bot, did it? lol

                            As for fishbot and campbot, I think it all started by:
                            -XXX fishes next to me, and he caught x number of fish when I caught x-100 fish, it just isn't fair, damn bot.
                            --XXX camps with me, and he outclaimed me when I spammed macro as fast as I could, it just isn't fair, damn bot.
                            -XXX is higher lvl than me, when I couldn't even stand fishing for more than a minute, damn fishing bot.
                            -I couldn't sell my moat carps for 10k(AH price 4k on my server), damn fishing bot.

                            I just felt people are ... quote from a mod: "You people will blame anything to get over your losses".

                            As for ruining economy, my server must be botless or something, I gave up fishing when moat carp were 3k a dozen in my server, and now it's 4k a dozen, and it hasn't changed for a month(oh, I have been fishing for the whole month ^^ report me) moat carp should be one of the most heavily botted fish, can be fished easily in RABAO, and sell for good money, but for some reason, if bots do exist, the price rised.. = ruinining economy? or is it 2-sided, we fishers want to raise prices and buyers wanna lower prices.. but I don't think non-botters don't do that, I for one always bid for items at 100 regardless of the price, I bet I ruined jujitsu gi bad by paying 10k when it worth 90k.


                            • #44
                              You guys are after the wrong botters altogether. If you do you stuff right you can make good $ and buy your LuShang's Rod. The problem is the AH bots who auto purchase Moat carp. I put up 9 stacks and they were sold in under 15 seconds. It was San'D so I know it was a AH bot. Although it was good for me, what about the poor sap trying to get his LuShang's today to be beaten by a JP player botting the AH.

                              As for Icemage and PetriW, I see them on the fishing forums on another site and they are the real deal.
                              Rubicon ~ Red Mage of No Return


                              • #45
                                I find it sad that instead of doing simple GM tasks, such as asking a person if he is there or not (Bot Detection), SE has added anti-bot code that makes the game less enjoyable for those taht play honestly.

                                I must now zone every hour, because the anti-bot code makes it so that you don't catch any fish after this time. This is a witness to how LAZY square enix is for NOT trying to detect bots, but instead make fishing even MORE frustrating.

                                As such, SE should make it as simple as:
                                1) BAN botters. There are TONS of ways to find out if a person is botting or not

                                2) BAN Botters. They bring the game out of balance!

                                3) BAN Botters. It's cheating and nothing else!

                                Get rid of those tards, and let everyone else have a fair and enjoyable game.

                                Edit: To add something new, idea for SE:

                                if a player is repeatedly doing the same task for hours:

                                1) Spawn a "Mooglepolice"
                                2) Have mooglePolice ask player a simple question that he is without doubt able to answer, such as "how much is 2 + 2"
                                3) Ensure that there are a wide variety of these questions available, so that a bot cannot answer them
                                4) auto-disconnect the user if he cannot answer 2/3 questions within oh, say 15 minutes
                                5) Tag the player as suspicious

                                That should help us get rid of 99% of all bots, without too much coding effort from SE's side

                                Kutch, the white mage
                                Stratsky, the Thief
                                Dust, the Red Mage
                                Leviathan server

