Hi all,
I'm giving a serious shot at mining, and from what I've been able to garner from the boards, it looks like a mule is just about necessary to make any kind of decent profit mining (barring the rare OMGWTF ores you can dig up. What I was wondering is, what city would be the better place to have an ore mule? Bastok, or Sandy?
From what I've seen of Bastok, yeah it's got the Blacksmith and Goldsmith shops, and slightly higher ore prices, but the AH is swamped with ore and the prices fluctuate accordingly. Would a mule there be able to compete with the other ore mules and the inundated AH?
I don't know much about Sandy muling yet. It's got a Blacksmith guild there, so I can see how ore would be needed, but on your servers, is there a high demand for ore in that city?
Thanks ^^
I'm giving a serious shot at mining, and from what I've been able to garner from the boards, it looks like a mule is just about necessary to make any kind of decent profit mining (barring the rare OMGWTF ores you can dig up. What I was wondering is, what city would be the better place to have an ore mule? Bastok, or Sandy?
From what I've seen of Bastok, yeah it's got the Blacksmith and Goldsmith shops, and slightly higher ore prices, but the AH is swamped with ore and the prices fluctuate accordingly. Would a mule there be able to compete with the other ore mules and the inundated AH?
I don't know much about Sandy muling yet. It's got a Blacksmith guild there, so I can see how ore would be needed, but on your servers, is there a high demand for ore in that city?
Thanks ^^