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Crystals The Bad Days

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  • Crystals The Bad Days

    Can someone give me a list or point me to a link that has the Days you shouldnt use certain crystals, im finding out the hard way!!! From what i have learn so far, and if im wrong please correct me

    Ice Cyrstal -- FireDay = Bad
    Earth -- Windyday = Bad



  • #2
    Depends on what you're going for.

    For skilling up, avoid any day which your crystal element is weak to, as your failure rate will increase. Also, Darksday seems to have a negative effect on failures ( I notice that you tend to lose more materials on Darksday ).

    However, I've also noticed that your chance of an HQ also increases slightly when using a crystal on the "wrong" day - on the rare occasions when I've made an HQ synth while skilling up, they all occurred because I was crafting on the "wrong" day.

    Moon phases help too. Full moon phases increase your success chance and slightly improve skill gain chance. New moon decrease your success chance, but give you a higher chance of HQ synths and skill gains.

    Earth is weak on Windsday
    Wind is weak on Iceday
    Ice is weak on Firesday
    Fire is weak on Watersday
    Water is weak on Lightningsday
    Lightning is weak on Earthsday
    Light is weak on Darksday
    Dark is weak on Lightsday



    • #3
      Hey, Icemage:

      So when skillupping, do you recommend "Day Of" (Fire Crystal on Firesday), "Day Strong" (Fire Crystal on Iceday), or any day but "Day Weak" (Fire Crystal on Watersday)?
      "I am a beautiful animal! I am a destroyer of worlds! I am Harry Fucking Potter!" -- Wizard People, Dear Reader


      • #4

        Thanks for the info!!!!!!!


        • #5
          The following is what I have observed in over 300 levels of crafting. Please note that these are my personal observations, and are not scientific in any way ...


          The day you choose (if you decide to time your synths, which I do recommend) depends on what your goals are.

          If you are most interested in getting skill gains:

          - Synth during New or Full Moons. I've noticed that skill gains are significantly more common during these moon phases.

          - Synth either the day of your crystal, the day before your crystal, OR the day weak to your crystal. Darksday also seems to produce slightly more skill gains overall, but you also tend to fail more. Lightsday is almost always a beneficial day, but the effect is very slight.

          - As always, remember to take advantage of guild Support Imagery (basic or advanced) if you can, especially if your skill is still more than 4 points away from the skill cap of your current formula.

          If you are most interested in conserving money/only interested in successful synths:

          - Craft on strong days, day of, or llightsday only. This will help conserve your materials by increasing your success chances and/or reducing your chance of material loss on a failure.

          - Do not craft on weak days or darksday.

          - Craft during Full Moon phases whenever possible. By the same token, avoid New Moon phases.

          If you are most interested in HQ synths:

          - Make sure your skill is at least 10 points higher than the cap for the synth. If it isn't, your chance for an HQ synth is so small it won't happen often enough to matter. Generally speaking, base HQ% chance seems to be something around

          1% x (Your skill - Skill Cap)

          - Darksday seems to give a slightly higher chance of HQ overall, at the risk of slightly higher failure rate and higher chance/more material loss on failures.

          - Highest chance of HQ% bonus is given on the day BEFORE the crystal that you are using, so the best HQ%s per crystal are as follows:

          Largest HQ Bonuses:

          Firesday - Earth crystal
          Earthsday - Water crystal
          Watersday - Wind crystal
          Windsday - Ice crystal
          Iceday - Lightning crystal
          Lightningsday - Light crystal
          Lightsday - Dark crystal
          Darksday - Fire crystal

          - Lightsday seems to give a very slight boost to HQ% as well, as well as very slightly improved success rate, and slightly reduced chances of materials lost on a failed synth.

          - Full Moon boosts HQ%, success rate, and slightly reduces chance of material loss (like a magnified Lightsday)

          - New Moon boosts HQ% more than Full moon, but lowers success rate and slightly increases chance of material loss (like a magnified Darksday).

          Hope this helps!



          • #6
            Originally posted by Icemage

            Earth is weak on Windsday
            Wind is weak on Iceday
            Ice is weak on Firesday
            Fire is weak on Watersday
            Water is weak on Lightningsday
            Lightning is weak on Earthsday
            Light is weak on Darksday
            Dark is weak on Lightsday

            And when is Windsday, iceday, firesday etc? How do u find out what day it is? Is there some kind of NPC that tells u?


            • #7
              I would agree with most of the things Icemage posted except for one of the major points:

              I am a firm believer that no benefit comes out of synthing on the day BEFORE the crystal you are about to use.

              Rather instead, I synth on the day strong to the crystal I'm about to use. I believe with this method you can get both increased skillups and better chance of HQ. These days I only craft on full moon phases:

              Lightning day - use water crystal synths
              Water day - use fire crystal synths
              Fire day - use ice crystal synths
              Ice day - use wind crystal synths
              Wind day - use earth crystal synths
              Earth day - use lightning crystal synths

              For Lightsday and Darksday, I agree with what Icemage posted.

              Any other crafters out there can confirm/deny any of this?



              • #8
                Icemage check pm
                "I am a beautiful animal! I am a destroyer of worlds! I am Harry Fucking Potter!" -- Wizard People, Dear Reader


                • #9
                  Well, cooking is my only 50+ craft at 66 but from my experience I agree with what has been posted here. Once you break 50 (when skill ups are at a premium), its kinda silly to craft during non-full/new moon phases -- the difference is that big. I tend to also craft on the day of the crystal as opposed to the day before as it has produced better results for me.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by cavill

                    And when is Windsday, iceday, firesday etc? How do u find out what day it is? Is there some kind of NPC that tells u?
                    Use /clock.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by cavill

                      And when is Windsday, iceday, firesday etc? How do u find out what day it is? Is there some kind of NPC that tells u?
                      Fire-earth-water-wind-ice-thunder-light-dark is the week. You can llok at the icon under the compass, or use /clock which will also tell you moon phase.
                      Cerberus: Purrrfect Mithra 61drk 49pld 47thf 30war 22nin 14sam 7rdm 4rng 4whm
                      Lavalamp Taru 32whm 10blm 6brd 5bst....needs to level sub in a bad way ><


                      • #12
                        i'm TypeSDragoon on marissa's site :wavey:
                        - Valefor - PLD75/WAR37 - Rank 10 - Fishing skill 100!! - Woodworking 80 - Cooking 35 - PROFILE LINK

