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Fishing vs Mining

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  • #16
    LOL @ Silverwedge ...

    Since I haven't mined since my very begining days, & only in Zeruhn (although I did have really good luck & got 2 darksteel) I'm not going to enter an opinion on which is more profitable ... and I think it's generally agreed that since fishing is an actual skill it's more of a timesink -- but it's also a very EASY timesink. When you're mining, you have to be running around, looking for points, I'm sure it gets harder the more people are around. With fishing, you hit your macro, you reel in your line when the controller vibrates (gotta have a controller, even on PC, IMO, especially for fishing), you hit your macro again. Since it's just that easy, I can fish while I get ready for work in the morning, just by setting the controller on the table next to me while I do my hair.
    99.5 Fishing ~ Lu Shang's ~ Waders ~ Apron ~ Map ~ Mooching ~ Rumors
    100 Wood ~ Lumberjack ~ Gloves ~ Apron ~ Desk ~ Ensorcellment
    60 Alch
    60 Bone ~ Specs
    53 Cook
    60 Smith
    40 Gold
    24 Cloth
    39 Leather

    Twythecook ~ 94+3 & all Key Items
    Fullmetaltwy ~ 86+2 & Anima


    • #17
      im at the point where i laugh at the people camping lizzy and VE cause im bringing in money the whole time they camp almost but not quite equal to what they make if they even get the drop in a reasonable amount if time... if they camp ve for 3 rounds and get teh drop, were even..... but i mined in pally and gusgen and although i can make some nice gil there, its just so much easier to sit in one spot without all the competition. on siren, all the mines have about 20 miners in them all the time. most i ever made was about 80k from the mines in 2 hours crafting as i went but i burned so many picks (with the mining gear) that fishing is still better for me. now the guys that go to ilfrits, thats a whole nother ballgame. but most people dismiss fishing as simply boring are totally missing the boat...


      • #18
        I enjoy fishing. Some of the stuff I catch I use for cooking, others I just sell. Only at level 7, not really that profitable yet, however it's fun sometimes to just relax - I don't know why, but fishing is actually kind of fun (when I don't feel like going through the levelling grind).
        Mikeb Hume - 48 BST / 23 WHM / 29 WAR / 37 MNK


        • #19
          I log for money. It gets VERY profitable on some days. Usually, places are crowded and you'll average 5k-8k an hour. But if you get lucky, hit some rare logs, it'll EASILY get to 16k upwards an hour. On the forums, I never here about logging. It's the one treasure that's forgotten.
          "I will not fear."

          Leaping Lizzy: 0/1
          Jaggedy Eared Jack: 0/1
          Valkurm Emporer: -1/0 (got aggroed and he owned me...)

          My future: Dark Knight


          • #20
            my opinion...

            Im a cook/fisher and I have dabbled in mining i perfer fishing, for me pick axes break alot, but rods could too, i i find fishing in low leves to be profitable since i catch quus alot and use them for a qust that igves you 500 gil each tiome you use a quus, just my two cents


            • #21
              I duno what you guys are doing wrong, but I make atleast a profit of 18k per hour mining, also after every 3 mine runs I make a 35k profit, so if I mine 3 times in one day for an hour each time, i'll come away with somewhere around 90k. How you guys could only come away with 5-16k an hour is beyond me. Plus I only Mine at Yughott Grotto.

              Goodluck makin the dough fellas
              MNK:45 WAR:25 BST:24 WHM:19 THF:15 NIN:12 BLM:11 BRD:03
              Alchemy: 58
              Blacksmith: 40
              Fishing: 40
              Cooking: 33
              Goldsmith: 20


              • #22
                xShagratx's numbers are grossly inflated. While it is true that you will occasionally make 18K or more in an hour of mining, it isn't consistent.

                I've spent extensive time in Yughott Grotto and Gusgen Mines. Yughott produces fewer rare ores - probably on the order of 1 per hour under normal circumstances, maybe 2 or 3 on a good run, but those are rare, and sometimes you get none. Plus, if the mining points are heavily camped or there are too many miners, the number of spawn points you hit per hour will go way down, along with your profits.

                10-15K net profit per hour is a very solid estimate for Yughott Grotto, assuming optimal conditions (remember, every stack of pickaxes costs you ~2400 gil).



                • #23
                  I suggest just picking whatever mindless activity that you enjoy. If you enjoy running around spamming your find mining point key and then hitting a button to mine more power too you :p I personally hated this and sold all my picks and mining gear the same day I started mining in gusgen. Fishing 28 and rising :p



                  • #24
                    If you are serious about making money mining don't bother until you can synth iron ingots without guild assistance (so smithing lvl 20 at least).

                    If you try to sell iron ore raw you're just knee capping your profits.

                    36 War/15 Mnk/22 Thf/62 Pld/Bst 75/Nin 33/Whm 36/Blm 19/Cor 7
                    Full Af X2 • Rank 8 • Alchemy 65

