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  • Mining

    recently realized i basically hate farming and would rather be fishing or crafting(Sorry to those who enjoy farming this is not meant to be a flame) so ive decided to try mining, should i start with mining gear or work towards it? any good suggestions where to start im level 60 any help is appreciated Thank you

  • #2
    mining isnt very profitable. or havnt been to me at least.

    I bought 7 stack pickaxes last night and went mining in yughot grotto (wanted iron ores for smithing). I ended up with about 5 iron ingots, 5 bronze ingots, 3 Gold ores, 2 darksteel and 2 colored rocks.
    pickaxes is 2000/stack
    gold ores is 8k
    darksteel is 6k
    colored rocks 2k

    thats 14k for axes
    and I got 40k from ores
    that is 40k-14k=26k in about 2 hours.
    thats only 13k/hour

    I had full mining gear then. But yughott isnt the best place. Maybe you can make more money in Gusgen Mines if your lvl is high enough.
    Colossal lance, Optical hat, Mermans gorget, Assault earring, Coral earring, Assault jerkin, Drachen fng. gnt., Ruby ring x2, Forager's mantle, Life belt, Barone cosciales, Barone Gambieras
    +Full JSE, Wyrm Brais, Forest rope
    Leathercraft: 90+1
    San d'Oria Rank 10
    Windurst Rank 9
    Sky, Moon & Lufaise Meadows O


    • #3
      I too have wanted to start trying to mine, but have no idea where to mine at, I know i can go to Gusgen or Palborough Mines, but what kind of spot do I look for? I am getting comfortable with my lvling and want to make some gill for spells, weapons and armor. I've been doing quest but what to try my hand at some of the smithing trades. :confused:
      Attached Files
      A sane man in an insane society must appear insane.

      RDM 23/WAR 10/DRM 04/MNK 09


      • #4
        im high enough for gusgen to get no aggro at all, just need advice


        • #5
          My friend became a millionare in 2 days in Ifrit's Cauldrome. :sweat:


          • #6
            I will no longer camp NM for gil. Mining pwns it <_<

            20 mins in gusgen = 45k last night, 15k tongight. Pickaxes are 1.4k a stack, i can mine the first two levels in gusgen. Darks sell very fast in bastok along with zincs. Awsome money, but my silvers are getting wasted to a npc or a mule untill i get gold up for snything them.

            Not enough balls to try ifrits yet

