How far could 500k get me into cooking or alchemy and would it get me to a point where I could start turning out a profit in the tradeskill?
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I'm not an expert -- & I know this answer isn't very specific -- but probably further cooking than alchemy. I say this because I've gotten to lvl 37 & would say I've about broke even, maybe even a little bit of profit.99.5 Fishing ~ Lu Shang's ~ Waders ~ Apron ~ Map ~ Mooching ~ Rumors
100 Wood ~ Lumberjack ~ Gloves ~ Apron ~ Desk ~ Ensorcellment
60 Alch
60 Bone ~ Specs
53 Cook
60 Smith
40 Gold
24 Cloth
39 Leather
Twythecook ~ 94+3 & all Key Items
Fullmetaltwy ~ 86+2 & Anima
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I think you should invest those 500k in another craft that nets you more profit, cooking is based on mass selling (with clothcraft you make an item and get 20k with cooking you need to make like 20 synths and wait for them to sell...)
I think alchemy is the same but i dont know about that.
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cant say what u should put your money in as it really depends on server but cooking is more to save gil if u use food yourself if u ask me.... I got to lvl40 cooking and I made about 20k on it...(all that from insect paste) but take ages to sell all items... (need some gil to start with though as all is a loss up to insectpaste)Blm 40 / Rdm 16 / Whm 21 / Rng 50 / Thf 15 / Nin 31
Rank: 5 Hometown: Bastok
Cooking 38 / Fishing 63,4 / Woodworking 67,2
My profile!
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if u have a mule who can sit on bazaar for a longass time, cooking is very very profitable
if u get high enough in the trade u can c some pretty nice gil return
meat mithkabobs cap at 38 and at 45 u will be crafting w/o ever failing and u can make some decent gil on my server, costs like 23k to make 12 stacks, and each stack if 3k in jeuno (note* not counting the tax cost, but even still u make pretty decent profit)
apple pies sell pretty quick as well, as do most pies. once u get up into the 70 range, u can make meat chiefkabobs if u craft on right day, and those are worth 8k a stack on my server. same cost to make em as the meat mithkabobs, 23k. iafter including tax, u can easily make close to 70k off that 23k invest if u get all HQ's. assuming u get like 1/6 HQ ratio's or less u still make nice gil making those.
although a lv70 clother in my guild can make very good amounts of money off 1 craft, his 1 craft costs lots and lots more. and also that 70 clother has spent close to 2.5 mil in lvling it up. also note that, to be a very good crafter in any other guild u will require skill in another guild, like this robe caps at lv70 cloth, and also needs 61 leathers.
with 500k, u can get easily to lv 70 or 80 i would guess in cooking. ive spent 40k and i have gone 0-43, also note that i have about 20k worth of materials that im crafting pies /w that will bring me back to the ~20-25k range. ive decided to sell some shit im not using and raise cooking to ~70-80 to go after meat chiefkabobs.SAM-44, THF-45, MNK-34, WHM-37, BST-32
Cooking-8x, WW-27
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500K will let you take cooking to 80 without selling anything in AH. Assuming you buy material from regional vendors not AH though.
500k will get you to 70 in Alchemy again sell direct back to vendors and buy material from regional vendors.
200-300K will get your woodworking to 59 in a weekend.
500k will get your goldsmithing/smithing to 30.
cooking/alchemy profit is small but consistant since products are consumable. Goldsmithing is the most profitable guild however it's also the most expensive to raise.
It took me under 50k to get cooking to 60 the first time, then 200k to get mule's cooking from 0-80 in 3 days. It also took me under 50k to take alchemy to 50 however it took me 800k from 60-80.Peejo-Rank 10/ZM completed
Veteran Alchemist (99)
NM: Sky - Cleared; 3 bstmen NM - Cleared; Fafnir
Dynamis - 4 cities cleared
CKD on Ifrit
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50k to get alchemy to 50???? How in the hell did you do that? :confused:
The fish it required me to get from 6 to 16 totalled almost that much alone. Also the fish were always sold out at the guild.
If you ever wrote a guide I'd be interested to read it.
36 War/15 Mnk/22 Thf/62 Pld/Bst 75/Nin 33/Whm 36/Blm 19/Cor 7
Full Af X2 • Rank 8 • Alchemy 65
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0-6: Tsurara
6-10: poison dust - save the dust (comp rod + sabiki rig in mhaura will get you a lot of yellow globes)
10-14: mercury - save the mercury (you can get cheap jelly fish from guild shop on certain days also on boat from fishing guild)
14-17: poison potion - use the dust and mercury that you saved
17 (or whenever your mercury/dust ran out)-20 echo drop
(you can actually sell the echo drop back to guild for a porfit if you choose your material source carefully
20-24: silent oil (with slime oil) - you can sell this overnight in jeuno bazaar for a profit
up to 25, you can also repair broken glass fiber rod, on my server you can make a little profit from this (1k per fix)
25-30: eye drop; make glass fiber rod (trivial @29)
30-32: artificial lense (save them if you have room/mule), if not, they sell in AH for 800+ each and sell fast, I saved mine
32-36: prism powder - sell fast in jeuno or sell back to vendor for very little profit
36-40: potion - sell back to vendor for a small profit
35-43: vitrol - sell back to vendor for a small profit if you can get treant bulbs between 500-600/stack
40-45: Carbon fibers - this is very profitable if there are people skilling up high lvl alchemy, buy the ash from vendor not AH
45-49: repair broken carbon rod, 1200 profit per combine
45-51: Holy water - sell direct back to vendor for profit
I never bought material from AH other than yellow globe, cobalt jellyfish and crystals. 90% of the time, vendor will be cheaper than AH, so check it out before you start crafting.
Above was the route I took when I was leveling up, I can say, the only time I lost money was during poison dust, mercury to poison potion (I didn't catch my own fish or bother checking guild supply so I bought fish from AH - big mistake). I started making echo drops when I hit 17 I believe.
Also note the price is based on Ifrit server. It might not work for other servers, if it doesn't sorry, but it did work very well for me. Honestly to say, I didn't really spend much money (after sell products) until after skill 51.Peejo-Rank 10/ZM completed
Veteran Alchemist (99)
NM: Sky - Cleared; 3 bstmen NM - Cleared; Fafnir
Dynamis - 4 cities cleared
CKD on Ifrit
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