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Blacksmithing or Goldsmithing

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  • Blacksmithing or Goldsmithing

    what's different between the two, which will give me larger returns per item

  • #2
    honestly if u dont know the difference u really need to do some research man.....

    and as the we asnwered u before the more u put into the craft the more u can make from it in the end... no craft is profitable before atleast lvl50 and u need to do some reseach on what is profitable for u as noone in their right mind will tell u what to do to make gil in crafting as that would ruin their own way to make gil
    Blm 40 / Rdm 16 / Whm 21 / Rng 50 / Thf 15 / Nin 31

    Rank: 5 Hometown: Bastok
    Cooking 38 / Fishing 63,4 / Woodworking 67,2
    My profile!


    • #3
      Alright, both guilds are VERY expensive, you have to put alot of gill into it if u want to start seeing a decent decent return. I mean at low low lvls, ex lvl 7 in smithing u can safely make bronze ignots, which sell for 4k (x12) and cost like 2k to make total (if u farm crystals) hey... 2k profit? thats pocket change. I wouldn't recomand smithing or goldsmithing to you if your thinking about making gill right away. The main difference beetween the two is that in the long long long run, you will make a butt load more with gold, cause the HQ (high quality) gold smithing items u can make... oh man $$, you won't know what to buy. As only a lvl 22 smither, i can safely make iron ignots with rare rare failures. i mine all my iron, so - the price of crystals, and thats a 30k profit for about a total of 2 and a half ours of work. not bad right? if u buy irons from bazzar though... - price of crystals, u get like a 8 k profit. I have invisted like 100k+ in smithing, and i heard gold is even worse and barely making gill now.
      To your orginal question... what are the main differences and similarites. They both use a majority of the same items, ex. types of ore. Main difference... agh gold costs alot more to get up up their, but will also bring in ALOT of gill, don't be afraid though to start it, its fun times : ) (kind of got off topic talking about my personal expereinces, sorrie)


      • #4
        2k Profit x 7 = 14k profit
        x 2 content IDs
        28k profit :D
        SAM 53 |WAR 29| DRK 7| BST 3| MNK 5| RDM 4| PLD 14
        Currently farming 1,400,000 Gil

