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Gardening for profit

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  • #16
    Don't waste your time growing elemental ore. There's more money elsewhere(you figure it out).

    Growing ice crystals should be relatively simple, though economically unviable. You'd use fire crystals to grow ice crystals. See any problems yet?

    Ice crystals typically cost less per crystal than fire crystals at the AH, so you'd need to grow a lot of ice crystals to make up for it. Add in the fact that yields on ALL the ice crystal recipes seem to be poor, and you've got a bad situation.

    Best crystal yield seems to be earthen pot + grain seeds + fire crystal. Yields 4-6 ice crystals, some tarutaru rice, or one red rock. Plant on firesday, feed fire crystal on firesday, harvest on lightsday or iceday(I'd advocate lightsday).

    An alternate is porceline pot + herb seeds + fire crystal. Yields 3-5 ice crystals or 10-22 kazham peppers. Same basic procedure as before: plant on firesday, feed fire crystal on firesday, harvest on lightsday.

    All the above data is courtesy of the Bilingual FFXI site run by Eriwilde. Er, most of it. I'm still not 100% on the day of planting. Eriwilde's site says: If you plant seeds on the day which has the weak attribute of the crystal to give later, it seems more likely you get crystals.

    I interpret that to mean that you want to plant the seeds on the day of the element weak vs the crystal you'll be feeding the plant later. So, if you're feeding fire crystals, you want to plant on iceday . . . hmm, wish I had open pot space to run some tests.

    Don't worry about your plants dying from neglect. Enable gardening moghancement if you're really worried. Just feed the crystal ASAP once it becomes able to accept one and once the proper day rolls around. The quick growth times on grain, veggie, and herb seeds will prevent most withering as long as you feed your plant a crystal.


    • #17
      Thanks for the response. I will only need a couple more stacks of ice crystals, then I wont be using them again in the near future... it was only for selbina butter...

      As for the growing ores, you're the 3rd person who has advised not to do it. I take it theres a VERY slim chance of growing one?
      FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
      FFXI: Shiva Server


      • #18
        the chance isnt THAT slim... but its not a sure thing either.

        go ahead and try :D cant hurt
        Tarutaru! Rank 10 San'Doria
        BLM:74 - WHM:37 - RDM:34
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        Currently Playing: WOW Beta
        Next Project: WOW PVP Beta


        • #19
          in a pure profit-geared growth the easiest fool-proof method is definately Tree Saplings.

          the recipe can be found in multiple sites/post and if u can fail on growing tree quit gardening.

          a slight note to take note of is that the yield rate ranges from 1-2
          so u can get a minimum of 10 yields to a max of 20.

          This is the safest way for profit IF u can fork out the initial head capital.

          If not , the kind DrMrLord's crystal is perhaps a good way to start.

          Elem ores are not the best choice for profit as in the long run growing Saplings are a safer/reliable chance of getting some decent $$.

          kinda like Farming VS NM hunting ^^


          • #20
            I covet the recipe's for Ice Ore and Dark Ore carefully. If there has been any posts on how to grow them i havent seen them, and i would never relate them because if everyone knew, the prices would drop dramatically.

            The reason ice ore sells on my server for 320k instead of 200k is because nobody knows how the hell to grow it. Seems people cant keep their traps shut though of late, as more and more people tend to be mentioning they know of the recipe's.

            Although, i will say ive given up on growing plants and i believe guilds hold a much higher yield, time and effort vs. money wise.
            Im sick of having to ditch perfectly good party's because its time to check on or feed my plants.

            Of course this doesnt mean that i'd tell you the recipe.. i think 3-4 weeks of someones time is worth 320k at least, and would never make an attempt to drop the price by spilling the beans, and ruining it for everyone who knows and makes a living off of it.

            Get to the gone!
            Under the gun!

            Last edited by Gatts on 06-06-06 at 06:66 AM


            • #21
              I never got around to doing any tradeskills but uh how do you tell what day is what


              • #22
                Ok, Gatts I do get the part where everyone has their own "secrets" and such, and I do get the part where "what's the point if I do this tradeskill now that my Ele ores will drop to 60,000gil". But lets see this logic. Assuming that the Ele ores are so easy to make (and from what you guys have been saying it isn't), why keep it to yourself?? Does it make you feel better that you can make an Ele ore and sell it for 350,000gil while everyone is wondering how to? I mean seriously, put yourself in this position. If you're one of those people that's wondering how, wouldn't you want to know how to grow one???

                Sorry, I'm not flaming on you bro, it's just that I hate the fact that when someone knows something, that in turn will make everyone benefit off of, but yet you keep it to yourself. It's cool that you want too, I won't stop you from that, but since gardening requires time, effort, cash (for the pots) and attention, IMO it would be a lot harder to keep track of something like that. Unless you know your chance of getting one is less than 10%. Sharing recipie is 1 thing, sharing tricks as to how to grow it like if you can yield 4 out of 5 tries, then I would understand why you would keep it for yourself. Heck, the economy on every server is so unbalanced that I guess this is one sure fire way to make money. Again, sorry Gatts, I'm not flaming you, I just wanted to point out something that I'm not very comfortable with. Keep your tricks to yourself, but things like recipe's share it, at least then they have an idea how to make it. It's gonna be up to them if they can do it.


                brave; integritous; commanding
                New sig. Thank you Graelinn of BeastInTheSack (Garuda)
                75 ナイト, 37 戦士, 31 忍者, 18 シーフ, 16 モンク, 8 侍, others: level 1 T_T.
                ナイト 怒 (いかり)(Level 75 ナ/Level 37 戦)


                • #23
                  people dont like to share because prices drop, thats what half this thread (the ele ore part) was on. Its not comfortable to see ele ore at 300K per down to 200K per, imagine if everyone knew how to make it, were talking maybe down to 80K per if that happend


                  • #24
                    I wouldn't recommend making ele ores .. not becaus the worth drops, just becaus there are many other profitable ways to get money.
                    I'm lv 54 woodworker so i got about 200k and invested it in pots and cuttings (not all ^^) .. however ... plant them .. wait ... and earn much money, with about 12 pots you "can" make a stack sapplings wich's worth about 100-150k.
                    take the money and buy new pots + sapplings
                    than return ... return .. return .. return .. /doze .... and earn more and more money ..... :sweat:

                    Teh Man


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Gatts
                      I covet the recipe's for Ice Ore and Dark Ore carefully. If there has been any posts on how to grow them i havent seen them, and i would never relate them because if everyone knew, the prices would drop dramatically.

                      The reason ice ore sells on my server for 320k instead of 200k is because nobody knows how the hell to grow it. Seems people cant keep their traps shut though of late, as more and more people tend to be mentioning they know of the recipe's.

                      Although, i will say ive given up on growing plants and i believe guilds hold a much higher yield, time and effort vs. money wise.
                      Im sick of having to ditch perfectly good party's because its time to check on or feed my plants.

                      Of course this doesnt mean that i'd tell you the recipe.. i think 3-4 weeks of someones time is worth 320k at least, and would never make an attempt to drop the price by spilling the beans, and ruining it for everyone who knows and makes a living off of it.
                      totally untrue. People don't grow high end ores because it is a pain in the rear. I suspect the only way to be significantly more profitable than cutting growths with sappling growths, is if you were to adhere to the law of large numbers and garden with sapplings using a huge initial investment in a few dozen pots over several different mules.

                      the recipe for successful high end ore growths is definately no secret.

                      a site with high end ore recipes

                      very thorough tree sappling site in JP

                      And of course Pikko has been kind enough to post her sappling results on Pikko's Pots, where she posts the recipe for ice ore.

                      Ive found others but these are the ones ive bookmarked. Any experienced gardener will be able to apply fundamental gardening knowledge about moon phase and planting/feeding/harvesting days to use these recipes effectively.

                      Milkmandan, using perfect punctuation in /l since 2004.
                      Tiamat O
                      Jormungand O
                      Vrtra O
                      DLord O
                      JoL O
                      AV X


                      • #26
                        Zafron beat me to it.

                        Maybe there should be a 'How to grow elemental ores' or Gardening sticky post on this board - the question always pops up, and it isn't a protected secret anymore. At least not by me, I'll scream the recipe to everyone who will listen.

                        For people who didn't/can't check those sites..

                        Porcelain pots, tree saplings, 2 of the same element = shot at ore of that element. It's rare even with that combination, and there are day and moon factors to take into account, but that is the recipe. So if you want fire ore, put a tree sapling in your porc pot and put in two fire crystals.

                        What I'd really like to see is some information on the newly-added ancient pot. That thing is out of the reach of most players, as far as I know (gotta get lucky on a strange apparatus) and I believe it's rare/ex, so it should grow some interesting stuff.


                        • #27

                          Until the level 74 rings become hot enough to start selling en masse, there will never be enough raw demand for any elemental ore except ice and dark ore for anyone to really want to grow the stuff. Even then, there's only a limited amount of demand per type of ore per server. Saying that "it's worth it to grow elemental ore" is untrue because only a few people can really take advantage of the market. If the information becomes widely available on how to get high yields when growing elemental ore, the ore itself loses value. I wouldn't advise growing the stuff because I'd be giving you bad advice. I have stopped growing ore myself, because I am satisfied with my techniques that got me consistant 40% yields on dark ore. I could crank out 12 dark ore every 3-4 weeks using 3 characters. And you know what? It ain't worth it. I could possibly refine my recipe to work even better. It still wouldn't be worth it if ore prices keep crashing.

                          Midgardsormr's dark ore market crashed from 500k-300k recently, mostly because of . . . chocobo diggers. Surprise surprise *) There are occasional lulls in supply now, when it's possible to sell ore fairly well, but due to the long growth periods associated with dark ore, you'd pretty much have to hold it after getting it to hit the market at the right time. Pain in the arse. When I first started growing it, I could sell it within an hour of harvesting it for 500k or more. One sold in under 5 minutes.

                          The two sites listed by Zafron only provide limited data on how to produce elemental ore. Similar data(in fact, superior data) has been available for months on Culture Shock which was linked months ago(and went relatively unnoticed for a long time, apparently).

                          If you use the data provided on the listed sites, you'll get anywhere from 0-40% yields, depending on how you decide to do things.


                          • #28
                            Hehe dark ore and light ore and ice ore is one place where EVERYONE should hope for a price drop.

                            a) The price isnt stable yet and its not due to over selling. Due to the incredible demand for these ores ( used to make elemental staves) and the methods used to produce them, the price will never drop too low. I'd say not below 100k. The only ways to get these are either 1) time consuming ( 3-4 weeks to grow from saplings with low chance of yield) 2) require high lvl ( BCNM 60) or 3) require significant monetary and temporal investment. Such as Chocobo digging. It would take you around a million gil to raise your digging skill to the point where you would have a chance to dig an elemental ore.. not to mention several months.

                            b) price drops on ore, thus beads, thus staves. Then you have WHMs with light staff ( +10% cure potency) and dark staff ( +10 mp while resting) and blms with ice staff ( +15 elemental and +10% ice dmg and +4 int) and suddenly your pts become better. You get more EXP per hour.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by DrMrLordX
                              The two sites listed by Zafron only provide limited data on how to produce elemental ore. Similar data(in fact, superior data) has been available for months on Culture Shock which was linked months ago(and went relatively unnoticed for a long time, apparently).

                              If you use the data provided on the listed sites, you'll get anywhere from 0-40% yields, depending on how you decide to do things.
                              oops i meant for the second link to be culture shock, but i cut and pasted the wrong bookmark.

                              This is the link for culture shock

                              Milkmandan, using perfect punctuation in /l since 2004.
                              Tiamat O
                              Jormungand O
                              Vrtra O
                              DLord O
                              JoL O
                              AV X


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Tan'o
                                It should be 10/10 on fire crystals. Never had a failure with this recipe.
                                I just finished doing this a few days ago. 3 pots out of 25 were Fire Crystals. All the rest were the veggies. I used the recipe:

                                vegetable or herbs seeds, brass pot
                                plant on watersday
                                feed water crystal on watersday
                                harvest on firesday or lightsday

                                I have a workbench and a maple table in each moghouse I grew stuff in. I made sure I didn't examine any of the pots. Am I missing anything?

