Yes, I'm a n00b, but I want to learn about this game. Ok I have a lvl. 8 BLM and i want to raise up alchemy. I am in san d'oria. Where do i go to join the alchemy guild and how do i raise my skill?
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how do you raise alchemy?
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The alchemy guild is in bastok so unless you get a higher level guide to escort you you'll have quite a bit of trouble trying to get there.
You raise your alchemy skill by making items in the alchemy guild. The same rule applies to every other guild. I'm a bone worker so if I make a bone earring for example my skill at making bone equipment will rise over time.
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Well, it depends on the manner in which you do things. If you buy all of the materials you need then yes, it will be very expensive.
However, if you take it upon yourself to go out and kill the monsters so that you can get the items you need then you'll end up making profit instead while raising your crafting level.
All guilds start off the same way. You start with the easier recepies and work your way up. Could you imagine hiring an architecture(sp)? fresh out of collage and asking him to assemble a reincarnation of ancient rome, lol. Without hands on experience he'd more than likely fail.
^ I figured that was an interesting way of putting it which made sense, lol
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Alchemy's pretty expencive to take up but you should be able to make a start. I hear Tsurara as a good thing to start with but its not something I've tried so I could be wrong. You need Rock Salf (available from crabs), 2 Distilled water (you can buy if from NPCs for about 12 gil) and an Ice Crystel, you might have to buy them fron AH so they could be a bit expencive.
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Yeah, a guy in my LS got his alchemy level to 3.6 by making 200 of those things. I have no clue how many times he failed but the receipe is so inexpensive that I'm sure he didn't care.
I'm leveling a theif (for future farming) and so to help him out I give him all of the beehive chips I find for half the AH price. Good way to help him skill up and we both make some profit. Beeswax sells for a pretty penny in the AH.
If you're in a LS just try to get some help from them and it should be good.
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