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How much skill does image support add?

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  • How much skill does image support add?

    Okay, I was wondering how much does image support and advanced image support raise your skill temporarily. From what I can tell I think adv img support is 2.0 in your skill and img support is 1.0. There are two reasons I think adv img is 2.0. One is that when I skill up and use adv img support when I'm 2 levels below trivial I generally get less skill. Also, you need to be 10.1 above trivial to HQ at all consistently. There are products such as mamushito +1 which trivial at 91. You'd need 101.1 alchemy to HQ these consistently yet there is a consistent market for them. So adv image support has to add a minimum of 1.1, but I'm pretty sure it's 2.0 or more even. Anyone have any solid info on this?

  • #2
    Cant say for sure but from what I have read it seems to be about 3lvls for andvanced support and 1 lvl for free support.
    Blm 40 / Rdm 16 / Whm 21 / Rng 50 / Thf 15 / Nin 31

    Rank: 5 Hometown: Bastok
    Cooking 38 / Fishing 63,4 / Woodworking 67,2
    My profile!


    • #3
      Thanks for your info, hope there are more that can verify this or give me any information they have, thanks.


      • #4
        While I've never had any first-hand experience (so don't crucify me) with HQ, I've heard plenty of accounts of people getting HQ synths even below the skill-cap of the synth they're doing. This would make sense because being 10.1 above the cap adds to your chances of an HQ synth.

        Actually, now that I think about it, I have had some experience with HQ in that I've received the HQ synth animation a number of times, just the recipe I was crafting didn't have HQ results. And these instances have come from when I was still skilling-up with the recipe.
        FFXI Info // Nevik Hume/M :: BST14/WHM25 :: THF50/WAR31 :: NIN27/RNG22/MNK19/RDM15 // Nevik's Journal


        • #5
          I really hate when people do this but "bump". Any information would be appreciated greatly. Thanks.


          • #6
            I'd have to day anywhere from 2.0 to 4.0. On my mule in Windurst I bought a load of grass thread and earth crystals. I got the Advanced Imagaing and started crafting Grass Cloth from level 0 skill. I didn't fail once and I took it to 4 in like 30 min. Of course I was crafting on Lightsday.


            • #7
              I have no hard evidence (link, quote from a s-e employee, etc.), but my best estimation is 5 levels of skill for Advanced Support (I neve use regular support).

              My success/failure rate is similar with advanced support to having no support at all, as is the frequency of skill gains. I'm pretty certain it gives more than 2 or 3 levels of support, as if you were to try making something 7-8 levels above your current level without support, your results would not be favorable, while 10 levels below with support is generally ok.

              4 is a reasonable possibility.


              • #8
                No hard evidence here, but my experience mirror's Mithrael's.

                On a formula 10 levels higher than you are:
                Without advanced support = forget it, almost 100% failure.
                With advanced, you'll succeed around 15% of the time, and almost always show a skill gain of .2 or .3 when you do succeed.

                Advanced support stops being useful to me once I get within 6 levels or so, so I'm guessing it adds around 4 levels to your skill.

                At 6 levels below the cap for a given formula, I generally switch to free support. This lets me lose less money per synth, and pushes me up to about 80-90% success rate while maintaining reasonably fast skill gains. Sometimes I will continue using advanced support if the synth is very expensive, or the materials are too rare to waste this way.

                At 3 levels below I usually stop using support altogether, unless the synth is so expensive, or reasonably profitable. If either is the case, I will continue using free support to minimize losses.



                • #9
                  Do any other crafters find that image support sometimes slows down their skill ups? Maybe I've just had some bad runs of luck but I seem to get less skill ups when I use image support then when I don't.

                  36 War/15 Mnk/22 Thf/62 Pld/Bst 75/Nin 33/Whm 36/Blm 19/Cor 7
                  Full Af X2 • Rank 8 • Alchemy 65


                  • #10
                    I've always struggled with this question. For the longest time, I thought it was impossible to gain skill using advanced support when you were one or two levels beneath the recipe. Ironically, what got me from lv.62-63 (after well over a month being stuck at 62 with 0 skill gains) was a lv.63 recipe that i made on a whim with advanced support on. So in 63+35 levels, I've only seen a skill gain with advanced support on (really close to the recipe cap) once.

                    For me, the "Sweet Spot" seems to be about 4 levels beneath a recipe with no support, or 6-8 levels with advanced support. That's where I get my fastest skill gains.


                    • #11
                      I've taken a recipe to the cap using advanced support quite often when I started crafting. Nowadays, I don't use any support when I hit 3 below the cap, unless I can't afford to lose any ingredients from a failure. And I hate free support since it lasts like only 2 minutes.
                      Rank: 5

                      Job Levels: Thf 47, Nin 24, Mnk 22, Rng 20, War 16, Pld 12, Rdm 11, Blm 8, Whm 8, Sam 3, Drk 2, Bst 1, Brd 1.

                      Crafting: Cooking 53, Woodworking 50, Alchemy 50, Fishing 33, Goldsmith 23, Blacksmith 18, Weaving 7, Leatherworking 4, Boneworking 4.

                      NM: Stray Mary 1/3
                      Valkurm Emporer 1/3
                      Tom Tit Tat 0/1
                      Vuu Puqu the Beguiler 1/1

                      Allakhazam Profile

