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New Fisher

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  • New Fisher


    I am starting to take up fishing, but not having much luck.

    I was hoping for a little advice on the best place for a brand new fisher to start his fishing.

    Also cash is not a big consideration(have around 20K), so i can but a more expensive rod or bait if need be.


  • #2
    Bamboo rod - Little worms until level 11 EDIT - at knightwell


    • #3
      best advice is to go through the threads already created in this section of the forums
      - Valefor - PLD75/WAR37 - Rank 10 - Fishing skill 100!! - Woodworking 80 - Cooking 35 - PROFILE LINK


      • #4
        Originally posted by Basher
        best advice is to go through the threads already created in this section of the forums

        basher, 4th post ive looked at today where u offer no advice, with some kind of smart ass comment to new ppl who just need help, and how do u know he didnt look already , but didnt exacly find the answer he was looking for? and take that sig away, u caught 10,000 moat carp, big deal.....glad im not on your server....your snide comments in a PT would cause me to lose my mind. your lvl in no way makes you some uber player that knows everything about everything, so close your mouth, and let ppl who are trying to help ppl post replies. oh and please, save your commenr for this, ill not be viewing it, i have to go to work, no time to catch 10,000 moat carp so i can advetise it in my sig, u are exquisatley pathetic.

        but to anwer your question bops, ive found that u can sell a stack of moat carp(12) at ah for around 3-4k gil, carbon rod, insect paste, freshwater, time consuming yes, but a sure way for income =)
        Spirit is the warriors strength, the mothers resilience, and the poor mans armor, it can not be destroyed, and it can not be taken away. This i must beleive.


        • #5
          Originally posted by dagaroth

          basher, 4th post ive looked at today where u offer no advice, with some kind of smart ass comment to new ppl who just need help, and how do u know he didnt look already , but didnt exacly find the answer he was looking for? and take that sig away, u caught 10,000 moat carp, big deal.....glad im not on your server....your snide comments in a PT would cause me to lose my mind. your lvl in no way makes you some uber player that knows everything about everything, so close your mouth, and let ppl who are trying to help ppl post replies. oh and please, save your commenr for this, ill not be viewing it, i have to go to work, no time to catch 10,000 moat carp so i can advetise it in my sig, u are exquisatley pathetic.

          but to anwer your question bops, ive found that u can sell a stack of moat carp(12) at ah for around 3-4k gil, carbon rod, insect paste, freshwater, time consuming yes, but a sure way for income =)
          are you fucking stupid? well, actually that has already been answered with your reply. yes, you are fucking stupid

          the ADVICE that i gave was to look at the threads already created. HENCE, go read them



          grow a brain and go read what has ALREADY BEEN POSTED FOR YOU, GENIUS!!!!!!!
          - Valefor - PLD75/WAR37 - Rank 10 - Fishing skill 100!! - Woodworking 80 - Cooking 35 - PROFILE LINK


          • #6
            The very first level to gain in fishing was very painful and slow, after that it goes up pretty well if you are fishing in the right place at the right skill level. To start out with, if you have money go get a Mithran or Composite Rod.

            Then bait depends on your starting city... if you are in San'doria, go to Port Sandoria with either Little Worms or Insect Balls and fish (again the first level is the hardest and takes a ver long time but just hang in there). You might occassionally see yourself loosing fish because of your skill. You can use the same bait combo in Windurst (except Port Windurst).

            At Port Windurst it is either going to be lugworms or a saibki rig (?sp). If you are just starting I would recommend the lugworms since they cost 4gil each. Down side is that you can only catch 1 at a time whereas with rig you can catch up to 3 fishes. Problem is at such a low level your line (or rod if you have a cheap rod) will break and you will loose the rig you just spent 2k on.

            The best resource I have found is the database and map. I look at the map to see what kind of fish can be gotten where then I go to the database to check what Rod/Bait/Location combination to use and make sure the rod won't break. I'm paranoid about that since I'm usually broke and can't bear the thought of my rod breaking.

   (You can get to the map from a link off of this page)

            So the other thing people suggest is getting some fishing clothing to help with the skill ups. Also, don't be too sad if you keep loosing your catch it is helping your skill to go up. There are other listings out there that will tell you what area and bait to use when you get a little higher level but this is good to get you started I hope.



            • #7
              are you fucking stupid? well, actually that has already been answered with your reply. yes, you are fucking stupid
              Funny, I thought his complaints against you were pretty valid. Somebody didn't appreciate your snide remark, I don't see how that makes him stupid, or how an insult against his intelligence was warranted.

              Anything he said about you above, on the other hand, was quite justified.

              the ADVICE that i gave was to look at the threads already created. HENCE, go read them
              Here's an idea, then: If you simply MUST open your fucking mouth and respond to something like this, and you don't want to repeat yourself (I guess you just can't handle seeing another "New to Fishing" topic started, and you MUST respond to EVERYTHING) how about responding by saying "We've discussed how to start off fishing before, in fact, here's the link to that discussion for you to read!"? That would've been too easy, wouldn't it?
              I could be like you and say "OR R U 2 STOOPIT 2 GO FIDN IT??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" but I know that doesn't make you stupid. It just makes you a short-tempered, irrational prick. Or at least, it makes you come off that way.

              grow a brain and go read what has ALREADY BEEN POSTED FOR YOU, GENIUS!!!!
              I cut some of the exclamation points from this quote, and I hope in me cutting them, it doesn't cut short the message you were trying to convey with all of them, but you're really making everybody here look bad to these new guys that come on here. Seriously, this is childish bullshit I'd expect to find on GameFAQs' FF11 forum, not on here where I notice most of the inhabitants are kind and helpful. Take your shitty Link icon and go over there if you want to engage in flamewars, as it seems I'm not the only one here who has no tolerance for high-and-mighty asswipes who can take time out of their day to peruse forums and write snotty replies, but can't stoop to helping two different people by answering the same question. Next time, just DON'T REPLY. It's not this guy's fault you helped somebody else.

              I am also new to fishing, and I've read plenty of other threads, but I still started my own, so I could get advice more tailored to my situation. In short, quit being a cock.

              Back on topic: As I said, I'm also new to fishing - and I've found the first level is A NIGHTMARE. I just passed it, and I'm getting to 2 a bit quicker. Here are some pointers:

              First, save up for all of the fishing gear. Early on, it may cost a pretty penny, but it gives you that extra kick.

              If you're in Windurst, or feel like going to Windurst, go to the Fishing Guild at the Port, and ask the Taru on the dock for Advanced Imaging Support (30 gil.)

              Bamboo Rods and Little Worms will be your friends from the beginning, in fresh water. For a bit of variation, get a Sabiki Rig and hit salt water fishing spots. I think. I may be wrong on this, because I'm basically the blind leading the blind here.

              Finally, don't let the dickhead who first responded here let you down. There are some really considerate and helpful people on this board.

              "if you want to be different go play a single player game." - navpops


              • #8
                bwhahaha you retards are arguing over THIS post:

                Originally posted by Basher
                best advice is to go through the threads already created in this section of the forums
                guess what, that post IS helpful

                it's helpful because it's saying "there are many threads discussced about this that you can read and get very helpful information that has already been posted"

                if you don't understand that logic, then you are a complete moron

                i DID help with what i orignally said
                - Valefor - PLD75/WAR37 - Rank 10 - Fishing skill 100!! - Woodworking 80 - Cooking 35 - PROFILE LINK


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Mal

                  Funny, I thought his complaints against you were pretty valid. Somebody didn't appreciate your snide remark, I don't see how that makes him stupid, or how an insult against his intelligence was warranted.

                  Anything he said about you above, on the other hand, was quite justified.

                  teaching somebody to read what is already created is some damn good advice. it's being helpful to the people that have never searched on their own.

                  teaching > giving

                  (I guess you just can't handle seeing another "New to Fishing" topic started, and you MUST respond to EVERYTHING) how about responding by saying "We've discussed how to start off fishing before, in fact, here's the link to that discussion for you to read!"? That would've been too easy, wouldn't it?
                  easy? i believe all i said was:
                  Originally posted by Basher
                  best advice is to go through the threads already created in this section of the forums
                  holy shit, i cannot believe how you don't see the helpful logic in this by pointing people to this "section of the forums" where "topics are alll over the place regarding this subject"

                  but you're really making everybody here look bad to these new guys that come on here.
                  no i didn't. all i said was helpful advice to "read the threads in this section of the forum" , and i posted a smiley with it too

                  the person who was making everybody look bad was the fucking moron who took my one sentence and made a huge fucking argument about it.

                  dagaroth is a true fucking moron for not seeing how pointing people to helpful topics already created is in fact, helpful

                  Take your shitty Link icon and go over there if you want to engage in flamewars,
                  "take your shitty Link icon"

                  oh gee, now there is something to show truely childing remark. it has noting to do with the topic yet you decide to toss something like that in there in the hopes of looking cool, or god knows what your reason is for bringing some benign as that into the thread.

                  as it seems I'm not the only one here who has no tolerance for high-and-mighty asswipes who can take time out of their day to peruse forums and write snotty replies,
                  oh, but that's exactly what you did, you high-and-mighty asswipe
                  pot, kettle, black

                  but can't stoop to helping two different people by answering the same question. Next time, just DON'T REPLY. It's not this guy's fault you helped somebody else.
                  but, see, my reply was helpful.

                  my reply means to do a little searching around this "section of the forums" because there IS helpful information to which he seeks IN this section of the forums. so, i did point him out to finding that information, which means i was in fact, being helpful.

                  Finally, don't let the dickhead who first responded here let you down. There are some really considerate and helpful people on this board.
                  let him down? my reply didn't let him down if he took the advice and did a little reading on this section of the forums like i said.

                  reading other threads in this forum IS in fact helpful. try to argue that point, cause if you do, you've lost already.
                  - Valefor - PLD75/WAR37 - Rank 10 - Fishing skill 100!! - Woodworking 80 - Cooking 35 - PROFILE LINK


                  • #10
                    teaching somebody to read what is already created is some damn good advice. it's being helpful to the people that have never searched on their own.

                    teaching > giving
                    The saying goes "Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, you feed him for life."

                    This guy was asking us to teach him how to fish, not how to browse the forums.

                    Anyway, your immaturity has already leaked through your arguments, so I Don't feel I have to condescend to arguing with you anymore. It's just a waste of time.


                    "if you want to be different go play a single player game." - navpops


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Mal

                      The saying goes "Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, you feed him for life."

                      This guy was asking us to teach him how to fish, not how to browse the forums.
                      teaching him to browse the forums is teaching him to fish

                      there are many threads on it. reading them teaches you what you want to know

                      it's amazing how some of you don't understand this logic. it's quite easy and clear.
                      - Valefor - PLD75/WAR37 - Rank 10 - Fishing skill 100!! - Woodworking 80 - Cooking 35 - PROFILE LINK


                      • #12
                        Then show him links to other threads that provide information, instead of saying "LOOK AT OTHER THREADS." I'm sure he knows how to click on links and read things, so I doubt you're teaching him much. You're not fooling anybody by posting some smart-ass response and acting like you were being helpful and that we're just picking on you.

                        "if you want to be different go play a single player game." - navpops


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Mal
                          Then show him links to other threads that provide information, instead of saying "LOOK AT OTHER THREADS." I'm sure he knows how to click on links and read things, so I doubt you're teaching him much. You're not fooling anybody by posting some smart-ass response and acting like you were being helpful and that we're just picking on you.
                          it wasn't a smart ass response, it was mature advice

                          this is what you are arguing over:

                          Originally posted by Basher
                          best advice is to go through the threads already created in this section of the forums
                          damn, it's amazing how some of you are so pathetic that you need to create such bullshit over what i said. and what i said WAS helpful advice
                          - Valefor - PLD75/WAR37 - Rank 10 - Fishing skill 100!! - Woodworking 80 - Cooking 35 - PROFILE LINK


                          • #14
                            Don't let em get to you Basher, they're jealous of your Lu Shangs. ;D
                            Kuno's super cool stats!
                            Server - Bahamut | Nationality - San d'Orian | Rank - 9 | Jobs - 75 BLM/74 SMN

                            Fishing 100+ - Woodworking 80 - Cooking 35
                            Lushang's: Ok!


                            • #15
                              Um people, as far as "go read" posts go, this is actually one of the nicest ways to say it:

                              Originally posted by Basher
                              best advice is to go through the threads already created in this section of the forums
                              Honestly, go eat some ice cream, beat up a punch bag, get laid or something, just get all that stress out somewhere other than here. If basher had said something like "OMG WTF NOOB LMAO U NOOB G0 RED TEH FUROM NOOB . PS UR A NOOB" then I might understand why you've written paragraphs on the subject. True his post wasn't wonderfully helpful but you're still over-reacting. It wasn't snide or rude, there was even a nice friendly smiley face to soften the message.

                              Now, I think luckki has answered the author's question so... where's this thread going now?

