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"N" egg

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  • "N" egg

    i was mining and dug up an "N" egg today. doesnt have rare/ex on it but i still cant sell it on AH. anyone know if this is an easter event item or something or what to do with it. anyone else find any other eggs with different letters on them?
    leathercraft 100 + 3
    clothcraft 60 + 1
    smithing 60
    gold 60

  • #2
    Its for the easter event. Thats pretty odd how you mined it up though.


    • #3
      dug up an "O" egg now. all in shak maze so far. hmm, maybe some letters you can only get by digging up maybe?
      leathercraft 100 + 3
      clothcraft 60 + 1
      smithing 60
      gold 60


      • #4
        nah, i got a "T" egg today, and lots of people have gotten them
        If you like oxymorons, here's one for you: Fundamentalist Thought.


        • #5
          As far as I know, per Vana'Diel day, you are allowed to get 2 eggs total.

          1 from the moogle in the 3 nations.

          and 1 from Choco digging,logging,mining etc.

          BTW: I got my happy egg and choco ticket from the moogle.
          Attached Files


          • #6
            Originally posted by Taoist
            As far as I know, per Vana'Diel day, you are allowed to get 2 eggs total.

            1 from the moogle in the 3 nations.

            and 1 from Choco digging,logging,mining etc.

            BTW: I got my happy egg and choco ticket from the moogle.
            how do you get the happy egg?
            - Valefor - PLD75/WAR37 - Rank 10 - Fishing skill 100!! - Woodworking 80 - Cooking 35 - PROFILE LINK


            • #7

              helpful link ^^


              • #8
                Well grae's link basically answered your question...

                the "First 3" are the first 3 initials of you name
                so in my case TAOIST = [ T ] [ A ] [ O ] eggs

                He gives you chocobo tickets or colored drops.

                After that there are 2 more SUPER COMBOS to do (moogles in Port Bastok give out the hint)

                SUPER COMBO HAPPY EGG (+1%HP +1VIT)= Your first initial + 7 consecutive letters.
                EX. TAOIST= [ T ] [ U ] [ V ] [ W ] [ X ] [ Y ] [ Z ] [ A ] eggs

                SUPER COMBO LUCKY EGG (+1%MP +1 VIT)= 7 of any same letter
                EX. [ Z ] [ Z ] [ Z ] [ Z ] [ Z ] [ Z ] [ Z ] eggs

                i think it's seven for the lucky combo... might be 8


                • #9
                  grr digging up these eggs is really bugging. you can dig up a letter once a day and normally the egg will break your pick. >.< i will be glad when this is all over and that egg that is breaking my pick will turn into a darksteel ore that is breaking my pick.
                  Genaki 1+2- Done
                  AF 1+2+4+5- Done
                  QUIT as of April 2004


                  • #10
                    I absolutely hate these eggs, everytime I goto an AH, all I see is "SELLING (letter inserted here) EGG FOR 500 GIL!!" all over my screen. I'll glad when this crap is over.
                    MNK:45 WAR:25 BST:24 WHM:19 THF:15 NIN:12 BLM:11 BRD:03
                    Alchemy: 58
                    Blacksmith: 40
                    Fishing: 40
                    Cooking: 33
                    Goldsmith: 20

