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When will cooking start to pay off?

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  • When will cooking start to pay off?

    I have decided to learn to cook the only problem is is that it is expensive to start out. And, after I do make the food, no one buys it. I am just wondering about what level cooking skill will I need before I will start seeing a profit.

    Thanx for any answers.
    Cooking: 50
    Clothcraft: 5
    Fishing: 11

  • #2
    Well i am level 50 cooking, and i really have as of yet to make any real money off of it, aside from marginal profits off some items. More than anything else it has saved me money on the food that i would be buying, since i refuse to xp without mithkabobs and i go through them very quickly.

    Alot of people take this skill to 60 or so for this reason. They make their own meat mithkabobs, fish mithkabobs, pies etc so they dont have to buy them saving themselves money. This of course kills the profit for people trying to make money off cooking. The only profit i see coming out of this craft(other than the money i save) is post 70-80 when you start making chiefkabobs and apple pie+1s consistently, but even then you aren't going to come close to the money you can make with other high level crafting making things like hauberk for smithing, scorpion harness for bonecrafting, Ice lance for alchemy etc.

    Milkmandan, using perfect punctuation in /l since 2004.
    Tiamat O
    Jormungand O
    Vrtra O
    DLord O
    JoL O
    AV X


    • #3
      hmmmmm actually you can make money once you make insect balls.....get an invent full of them(for me its 40-4(raw materials)=36) stacks of them, sell em for a LITTLE cheaper than AH, and whala, u earb around 10k each night with ur bazaar.may not be much to those who are making big gils, but hack, one month of this and you will receive 300k total, which is quite a bit.
      Eiyuu *Midgardsormr*
      DRG44 WAR30 THF25


      • #4
        I'd have to say that cooking is the least expensive craft to level up. Most of the items I used to craft my way to 38 I either broke even on or sold at a small or decent profit. Heck, I even sold insect balls for 400 (100 over ah price) since I had a few mules and they still sold within the day. If I sold it under, they would sell by the time I got back to the mog house.

        Oh, and if you are a fisher, fish for tiger cod (lvl 27 cap) and make sliced cod (13 cap) even after getting cooking higher than 13. Each synth makes 6 sliced cod from 1 tiger cod. Sell these back to the fishing guild at 768 gil per stack. If you buy your wind crystals to make this, you will still be making over 600 per stack. So you will make about 3600-4608 per stack of tiger cod caught. And without waiting for them to sell on ah, which take quite a while.
        Rank: 5

        Job Levels: Thf 47, Nin 24, Mnk 22, Rng 20, War 16, Pld 12, Rdm 11, Blm 8, Whm 8, Sam 3, Drk 2, Bst 1, Brd 1.

        Crafting: Cooking 53, Woodworking 50, Alchemy 50, Fishing 33, Goldsmith 23, Blacksmith 18, Weaving 7, Leatherworking 4, Boneworking 4.

        NM: Stray Mary 1/3
        Valkurm Emporer 1/3
        Tom Tit Tat 0/1
        Vuu Puqu the Beguiler 1/1

        Allakhazam Profile


        • #5
          Get a mule to jeuno (or use your regular character) and bazaar mithkabobs and pies. I'm making about 1k/stack of mithkabobs and ~800/stack on pies, but the pies sell faster. Makes a lot of money during the weekend on the japanese prime time, I had 35k waiting for me after I got off work one saturday morning. Weekdays are quite a bit slower ~10k a night.
          Cerberus: Purrrfect Mithra 61drk 49pld 47thf 30war 22nin 14sam 7rdm 4rng 4whm
          Lavalamp Taru 32whm 10blm 6brd 5bst....needs to level sub in a bad way ><


          • #6
            hum... 22-29 in one day so far about 25k profit not all of the stuff has sold yet though ><


            • #7
              cooking for profit

              is never gonna match high level craft in other guilds.

              But cooking does have 1 advantage, that everything you make is consumed, so you don't have to worry that what you sold yesterday is cutting into your sales today.

              Profit doesn't really start until insect paste, like someone mentioned. THe profit margin on those is almost 200%. While they only sell for 300g a stack, they sell FAST! You can fill up your character with 50 stacks of those and leave it out on a weekend night near Windurst fishing guild, and they'll be all gone by the morning. Almost 10K right there. But of course, you want to do better than just 10K per day.

              Fish kabobs makes decent money. About 15K per 12 stacks. But you make those at Lv 50, and they cost a lot to make, $43K ish, and takes couple of days to sell 12 stacks, but you don't spend nearly as much time making them as say 50 stacks of insect paste.

              High quality syn is what eventually where the money is. But you have to be really high up to make those. For example, I tried making 2 stacks of boiled crabs at 55. Admittedly on the wrong day, and didn't both with moon phase. The point is, at 55, I only make 1 HQ syn (steamed crab) out of 24 syns on something that's 30 levels below me. >_< But the good thing is, just sell the normal syn back to the store (same price as you put it up in the AH), and just sell the HQ syn in the AH.


              • #8
                I've pretty much figured that you need to be far far above the level requirement to HQ with any consistency. I tried making roast mushroom once, on lightday and full moon, at 32 levels over. About 20% of the 90-something synths HQed to witch kabobs.

                war25 whm40 blm75 rdm41 thf45 nin42


                • #9
                  i made a profit at lvl 11 id buy a stack of tiger cods ( 2500 a stack) and a stack of wind clusters ( 1100 or 0 if farmed) i would than cut up the tiger cods each time getting 6 tiger cods and sell them 63 gil each to the fishing guild and the alst stack for 53 gil giving me 60X63 12X53 = 4416 which is a slight profit but helped me a ton and again with pet food delta


                  • #10

                    Lvls 22-29 From Insect paste

                    level 42+ After you can make Mithra viagra and other stuff like that
                    Linkshells: TMV, HelplessRain
                    -çôƒƒee all gone i go boom.
                    Apoc - Bard (Gone again)
                    Pocster- Re-activated.
                    (Fish 67. Cooking 87. Bone 65. Alchemy 80.)



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Zafron
                      scorpion harness for bonecrafting,
                      depends on your server, scorp harness needs venomous claw from serket, which has been sold properly (ie not to self) only once on raggy~


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Disturbed

                        depends on your server, scorp harness needs venomous claw from serket, which has been sold properly (ie not to self) only once on raggy~
                        yeah i heard this is really a LS hook-up item unless you go get the serket claw yourself, I was just trying to illustrate how cooking really isn't the huge money maker of crafts.

                        I'm at 56 now, ive had luck recently making crayfish balls. Actually i would have to say this has been my most profitable synth so far. With 4 mules i made around 50k profit this weekend, but that isn't enough for my time. I'm going to keep pushing my skill higher. Once i hit 70 i am going to try for some chiefkabobs.


                        Milkmandan, using perfect punctuation in /l since 2004.
                        Tiamat O
                        Jormungand O
                        Vrtra O
                        DLord O
                        JoL O
                        AV X

