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I have 430k gil. What guild should i level?

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  • I have 430k gil. What guild should i level?

    Over the last couple weeks, I have been hard at farming gil. If all my items I have on the AH sell in the next couple of days, that will bring my total to a little over 440k.

    I've had my eye on goldsmithing, but have heard good and bad things. Mostly bad. I don't know many people with any crafting skill over about 20. What would be the best one to go with people? The cost doesn't matter, if I need 500k more to max goldsmith, I'm down for it. I just want to max out the craft that will bring me the most profit. If you could throw out a few links with some good guild recipies/level walkthroughs, that would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    That much gil won't get you very far in anything but maybe cooking.
    Warning level cat face.
    : 3


    • #3
      500k wont get you past lvl 30 in goldsmithing....maybe up to 20 ish.

      Your best bet is cooking, you can get up past lvl 40 and break even and make profit then all the way to 60 ( you can make profit like 20-30 in cooking actually doing insect paste ).
      55% Skill
      35% Equipment
      10% Race

      White Mage - 75 - Completed
      Ninja - 75 - Completed
      Summoner - 75 - Completed
      My Livejournal


      • #4
        your highest character is a level 26 war and you have 430k? nice job man. mustve farmed awhile. may i ask what/where you farmed?
        WAR30 RNG13 BRD14 MNK10 THF10 NIN10 BST10 WHM7 BLM7


        • #5
          i've only goten my goldsmithing to 21 but ive only made money geting that far, no way it will cost 430k.. i dont beleive
          NIN 75
          WAR 37


          • #6
            430k in goldsmithing to level 30? even if i tried hard i couldnt spend even close to that much. i broke even/made profit up until 25.
            Genaki 1+2- Done
            AF 1+2+4+5- Done
            QUIT as of April 2004


            • #7
              thanks for the info ...

              im now lv 30, i need to update it.. ive gotten the leaping boots, and farmed silk and moss in pashow.. takes time, and kiled the occasional jolly green.. at the moment im hunting stray mary


              • #8
                Part of how long you can stretch that much gil for is how much time you sink into the craft as well. By mining in Palborough, a person can save a significant amount on their Zinc, Silver, and Mythril Ore for the first 40 points of Goldsmithing -- but it takes time; quite a bit of it. It also depends on how well they can save some materials -- eventually you will work in Gold and Platinum, which are expensive and the price can fluctuate on you making buy/sell risky.


                • #9
                  If you level it by mining it will be very slow, most high level crafters I know just powerlevel it ( buy all from AH and dump back to NPC for a loss ) this is what costs money and is why parts of the economy are destroyed ( sometimes if its too big a loss selling to npc they will send to a mule and sell via AH over a week or two ).
                  55% Skill
                  35% Equipment
                  10% Race

                  White Mage - 75 - Completed
                  Ninja - 75 - Completed
                  Summoner - 75 - Completed
                  My Livejournal


                  • #10
                    woooaahhhhhhhhhhh.... damm 430k till like level 30? thats alot of money, im at 5k and i feel like the richest person in the world, what im wondering is since all the crafting stuff costs so much money do u guys even make any money from it, like is it even worth it?
                    Server: quetzalcoatl
                    24 thf, 21mnk, 4whm
                    Crafts: fishing 18, woodworking 31, smithing 2
                    NM's: Spinny Spipi 0/2, Bomb King 0/1
                    LS: CowboysFromHell, HighQuality


                    • #11
                      A lot of profit in crafting lies in making +1 items
                      Jobs:NIN 40, THF 30, WAR26, RDM17, MNK 12, BLM8, WHM 4
                      Bonecrafting 9.1 Fishing - 4


                      • #12
                        Very true fact right above me.............i believe that Blacksmith is the ay to go....even though u dont get the $$$ in huge amounts......anything u put in AH sell *snaps fingers* like that for easy money
                        Every dead body that is not exterminated, gets up and kills. The people it kills, get
                        up and kill.

                        DaRk CarNiVal!!!!

                        <(o_0<) <(o_o)> (>0_o)> (kirby likes to dance)

                        Bastok Rank 4
                        Others Rank 1


                        • #13
                          to me, it seems alchemy is the way to go. you get to make a lot of cool stuff and a lot of stuff that sells for high amounts and is relatively easy to hunt. like silent oil is a must for any smart adventurer and echo drops will always be needed. You also get the benefit of being able to make and repair all the best rods(except for lu shangs but you can fix that via quest)
                          You can also get many areas where you can level quickly because there will be one item you can make that is just plain easy.
                          One example is Vitriol
                          it will take you from 38-43 pretty easily and all it takes is 2 treant bulbs or 1 dhalmel saliva and a water crystal. CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP and EASY EASY EASY


                          • #14
                            yes...but i dont know many ppl that carry that kinda stuff around.....with the water crystals...yeaaaa veryyy cheap ~300 a stack in Gilgamesh...i think i might take up alchemy since ilive in bastok...isnt the guild right near the area in the mines by the place where u can get the Pickaxes 200 a peice?
                            Every dead body that is not exterminated, gets up and kills. The people it kills, get
                            up and kill.

                            DaRk CarNiVal!!!!

                            <(o_0<) <(o_o)> (>0_o)> (kirby likes to dance)

                            Bastok Rank 4
                            Others Rank 1


                            • #15
                              I always thought that the food and alchamy guilds were good because people are always going to need your product...eventually, there are going to be enough xx robes, or yy armors out there to suit everyone, but people will always be coming back for more potions, and mithkabobs
                              Xccoortri: 63Brd - RETIRED
                              Wiggin: 20Thf/10War - Current

                              BCNM Completed 35 times. Best time: 14:53

