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Platinum Nuggets

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  • Platinum Nuggets

    Could someone fill me in with the recipe,for this? And if its worth it or not? Or if there is something better to do with Gardening. Thanks!
    Originally posted by Kailea-D
    yeah you only Fame because you could not make a nice costume like that, I am a guy.....and I know this would sound really wrong.....but I would love to dress up at a convention as my ingame self, nothing wrong with a MIthra Dragoon, well except that I would be a guy...but that is not the point.....the point is I would do it because it would be really fun to live my ingameselfs life for one day :p

  • #2
    It involves tree cuttings, if you search on this or several other sites you can find the exact recipie. Check your AH before you try because alot of people before you have probably flooded the market with them so you probably wont make much in the ways of profit.

    36 War/15 Mnk/22 Thf/62 Pld/Bst 75/Nin 33/Whm 36/Blm 19/Cor 7
    Full Af X2 • Rank 8 • Alchemy 65


    • #3
      These have pretty much gone in the crapper on Odin...once valued between 30-50k a stack theyre now down to 15k a stack and falling =/ If your smithing is high enough though you can turn em into platinum ingots which sell very nicely...
      whm 59, blm 35, mnk 49, war 27


      • #4
        Yeah I have 500K now,so I was thinking of making 20 pots total,10 pots on my main character and 10 pots on my mule. Thanks for the help~ :D
        Originally posted by Kailea-D
        yeah you only Fame because you could not make a nice costume like that, I am a guy.....and I know this would sound really wrong.....but I would love to dress up at a convention as my ingame self, nothing wrong with a MIthra Dragoon, well except that I would be a guy...but that is not the point.....the point is I would do it because it would be really fun to live my ingameselfs life for one day :p


        • #5
          Bwah. I harvested my first 9 nuggets today which im going to use to buy more pots and more tree cuttings :spin: . Sorry I can't reveal the secret recipe, gotta protect my industry, ya know? But if someone can give me the Adaman Ore recipe, it'd be greatly appreciated
          The evilest Black Mage that ever there was.

          Leaping Lizzie: 0/12 (This Lizzie has GOT to be kidding me)
          Valkurm Emperor: 1/3


          • #6
            Tree Cutting + Light crystal + Light crystal = Platinum Nuggets
            I got total 3 stack and 8 nuggets from 10 pots...
            5 out of 10 is nugget other is crap ; ;
            Pray! Siren... San d'Oria: R7 M7-1, Zilart: M4
            Level up:223 Times!w

            Pass:Airship,Kazham, Gate crystal:All
            RSE:All, Thief's AF:All, BST's AF:1,2,Gloves,Body...


            • #7
              Painkiller, which pot do you use for this?
              BRD 75 / NIN 66 / WHM 37 / WAR 30 / RDM 23 / BST 20

              San d'Oria Rank 10
              Zilart Mission 14
              CoP Chapter 4-2


              • #8
                Today I harvested my first plat nuggets with mixed results:

                Porc . . 6 Platinum Nuggets
                Brass . 5 Rock Salt
                Brass . 2 Rock Salt
                Brass . 7 Platinum Nuggets
                Brass . 8 Dark Crystals
                Brass . 12 Platinum Nuggets

                All were planted on Lightsday during a full moon. Moon was 24% waning when harvested but that should have not had much effect, moon phase only affects the quantity of the harvested item. Took for ever to grow these but I guess I'll do more testing.

                RDM35 / WAR20 / DRG10 / DRK10 / RNG 10 / PLD 35 / BLM 17


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Rekiem
                  Painkiller, which pot do you use for this?
                  My storage char is at Windrust... so, I use Eastern Pots.

                  I'll do another test too on next Lightsday & 90% Waxinig...
                  Vana'diel Timer v2
                  Pray! Siren... San d'Oria: R7 M7-1, Zilart: M4
                  Level up:223 Times!w

                  Pass:Airship,Kazham, Gate crystal:All
                  RSE:All, Thief's AF:All, BST's AF:1,2,Gloves,Body...


                  • #10
                    Okay, after 20 Pots of Tree Cuttings...

                    If you:
                    1. Plant it on Lightsday.
                    2. Feed the first Light Crystal on Lightsday.
                    3. Feed the second Light Crystal on Lightsday.
                    4. Harvested on Lightsday...

                    The possible result is Platinum Nugget, Dark Crystal or Rock Salt.
                    You will get around 4 stack of Platinum Nuggets from 10 Pots^^

                    You'll get 4-60,000g profit in 10-12 days, good luck
                    Pray! Siren... San d'Oria: R7 M7-1, Zilart: M4
                    Level up:223 Times!w

                    Pass:Airship,Kazham, Gate crystal:All
                    RSE:All, Thief's AF:All, BST's AF:1,2,Gloves,Body...


                    • #11
                      ok since no one else commented on this i will...

                      Omega you just declined to give information on the nuggets (although everyone already knows...) because you want to keep your secret, which is fine, but then you ask about the recipe for adaman ore??? If you want to keep secrets you dont deserve to know anyone else's secret.


                      • #12
                        Ya, exactly what SerrraWiz just said.. Omega, ever heard of a concept called give and take? For goodness sake man, if you want information you damn well better be ready to return it.

                        And if you want adaman ore, go fight Centurio X-I in Quicksands Caves- oh, wait, you're only level 21.


                        • #13
                          I don't even bother with platnum nuggets anymore. The market is dead since so many people know about it. I used to run 30 porc pots and sell them for 40k+ per stack a few months back and now they are going for 17-18k a stack. from 30 pots i get about 15-18 stacks for 270-300k but i have to put in 126k for the cuttings and crystals and the growth time is usually around 1.5-2 weeks. So thats around 300-350k profit per month and that sucks.

                          I tried gold beastcoins but they aren't much better. I've done a little experimenting with sapplings but all ive gotten are alchemy leaves. I suspect the elemental ore is a rare grow, cause ive never gotten any. Stumbling on the adaman or light ore recipe would be nice cause i hear they are pretty consistent. If anyone from another server wants to pm me with either of these recipes i will gladly share all the information i have about gardening, cooking, farming, and money making in general. Not that anyone with this recipe would actually need it lol.


                          I guess i am going to have to get the last 1M for argus charm the hard way.

                          Milkmandan, using perfect punctuation in /l since 2004.
                          Tiamat O
                          Jormungand O
                          Vrtra O
                          DLord O
                          JoL O
                          AV X

