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Alchemy Profit

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  • Alchemy Profit

    Hiya, I'm kinda conflicted on this tradeskill. On one hand, some fourms say alchemy is just an easy crafting leveler and is just to make potions for yourself, and that you will NOT make huge profits. Other fourms say that you can make a profit only at VERY high levels. I would like to know if you can make a good profit at lower levels, or should I start doing this skill when I get another trade skill up decently high for a nice cash flow?
    (DRG by the way, any other tradeskill you suggest?)

    All replies appreciated

  • #2
    I think that the problem here is education and product familiarity.

    most people don't use potions because they think they cost too much and aren't that usefull... so what I do is I normally stock what I can make on my bazaar. Then as situations come up in my party that enable me to use them (For example hunting near kazam those mangdragora's poison) I'll just pop an antidote and keep on fighting... eventually the whm noticed I didn't need regen as often and I never said "poison" in the chat window.. he thought I was popping food until then.. then he made a comment about how neat it was then I had three people in the group buy all 30 I had on me ^_^
    "You're like the air I take you into me. You're like the rain you remain within me deep..."


    • #3
      how can u have 40+ slots in your inventory by the time you got to kazham (unless you have done some serious grinding or you're in ur PT naked, also I assume that you have no higher level job lol)?

      by the way, alchemy seems very profitable at higher levels. im not gonna tell you what those items are since ive spent an hour or so looking crap up :p .


      • #4
        Originally posted by shaunathan
        (For example hunting near kazam those mangdragora's poison) I'll just pop an antidote and keep on fighting...
        wow i always took a poison potion to poison myself when fighting mangdragora's in kazham... kept me and my party from ever sleeping.. so the onions died faster and the whm had to heal less. a simple regen will counter the poison's damage.


        • #5
          Pretty much all crafting jobs are profitable when you get really high (80-100). This is due the the HQ system for crafting. It is illustrated with goldsmiths especially. While goldsmithing can be very expensive to level, once you get high enough, you can turn 1-1.5k rocks into 6-10k gems regularly.
          My Bard
          My Ninja

