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Moghancement: Fishing ??

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  • Moghancement: Fishing ??

    Anyone know what I need for this? Im startin fishing and I figure I need all the help I can get.

    Also, What is a fast way to get fishing sill up. I am working on crayfish/moat carp w/bamboo and insect/worms In W. Ron. Is glass fiber with sabiki in Wind. Waters better for skill ups? I want to make $$ but ide rather work on skill first.


    If this dont make your booty move, your booty must be dead!

  • #2
    I'd say it's a curse. :sweat:

    It makes you catch more rusty junk, and less fish. Just go a read the key item description on it.

    For skill up, since you are in San d'Oria, I'd say port is the most convienet. Keep in mind that it's fresh water there. I went from 4~11 there within a week of part-time fishing.

    I started fishing with a tarutaru rod, but that broke fairly quickly. Then I brok a glass rod, then a carbon rod.... In retrospect, I should've started with a composite rod, which is what I am using now. It's a bit more pricy (10K on Ramuh), but it doesn't break at moat carp spots.
    Junior Member?

    Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


    • #3
      To acquire Moghancement: Fishing, you must have Water as the dominant element for your furnishings in your home city mog house. I *believe* that the number of squares a given furnishing takes up has an effect on how much of that element it will contribute (I'm currently using 4 rusty buckets to provide my Moghancement : Fishing)

      If you're less interested in money than in skill, I recommend using a Composite Rod from the beginning. You'll lose about 1/4 of your successful catches to "too small" messages, but I have yet to have my composite rod break in shoreline, river, or lake fishing.

      I've spent extensive time fishing in the following zones with a Composite Rod:

      East Ronfaure
      Batallia Downs
      Sauromugue Champaign
      Windurst Waters
      Windurst Walls
      Windurst Woods
      Jugner Forest
      Ghelsba Outpost
      Fort Ghelsba
      Port San d'Oria
      Valkurm Dunes
      Sea Serpent Grotto

      I've never broken my composite rod in any of these locations.

      I should note that you CAN still get skill gains even when you get the "too small" message. It's somewhat less likely, but I figure the amount of skill gain time lost by such failures is outweighed by the cost and time investment in fixing/acquiring a new rod.



      • #4
        The Moghancement: Fishing that I got from my Brass Flowerpot just made me catch a LOT more rusty items. Totally not worth it unless you're fishing for rusty caps.


        • #5
          Yes it is a curse, there are good moghancments and there are bad ones too. Fishing being the latter because you catch more worthless items. The reason they did this is because many of us are gardening. 10 flowerpots = 10 points toward fish-enhancement. You would need to counter this with something else.

          For instance if you have 6 flower pots you would have 6 points towards your fish-enhacement. Of course you want a gardening-enhacement so you need something that has more then 6 points like a Maple Table which has 8. Of course if you have more then 8 flower pots then back to the fish-enhacment you go lol.

          If you want to see how many points what item has go to this Japanese translated website, HERE

          RDM35 / WAR20 / DRG10 / DRK10 / RNG 10 / PLD 35 / BLM 17


          • #6
            I'm confused. Is the moghancement for fishing from water element furniture, or earth? Because I've got ten each of the basic flowerpots and they are all earth, not water.


            • #7
              So how do you get rid of mogenchament fishing when you want to garden. Is there a way to disble it or get gardening isntead

