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  • #46
    Mythril Seams

    Just a q, whats with those pesky Mythril Seams? I swear I've broken 5 pickaxes on them >< Has anyone had any luck with them? The one's im refering to are in the Pal. Mines.

    I just began mining last nite. With 12 pickazes I got 4 Mythrils, Iron, and a Silver. I don't think I did that great . Anywhoo, I have some questions:

    What's the average amount of mining spots you guys find in Pal.? I only found 3 last nite.

    Can someone explain me the rengeration of the mining spots? Is it timed? And do locations just randomize after a certain amount of time? (I found one spot where I could mine more than once, then it expired (T T))

    Thanks for the help^^!!


    • #47
      There are a finite, yet large number of locations where a Mining Point has the potential to spawn. In Palborough I believe this number is about 20. At any one time, however, only 1-3 Points will actually be active.

      As you mine a Point, you deplete its contents, until the Point despawns. At this time, another point somewhere else will pop up.

      Mythril Seams yield only one item, Mine Gravel. This can be refined at the Refiner, but its only real use is for the Mission 6 of either San d'Oria or Windurst.


      • #48

        Ah, thanks alot for the help!^^

        Btw, what does the mine gravel refine into? I've usually dropped them thinking they were useless .


        • #49
          Mine Gravel is used in a rank 3 mission for Windurst and San d'Oria and isn't worth much; however, selling it to an NPC makes about 130g if you don't mind sparing some inventory for the stuff.


          • #50
            This question sorta pertains to mining but I was curious on how much Paltinium Ores sold on your servers?

            Mine is 18-20k in Bastok, but 13k in Jeuno. I have 3 ores which I'm praying are gonna sell for 18k. (T T). Or else I'm gonna have to settle to Jueno.


            • #51
              and now, to piss off all the miners..



              • #52

                Thats a great way to please all non-miners...

                and a great way to piss off all the miners with their "secrets" revealed now... lol
                World: Ragnarok

                Name: Lol

                WHM - 34
                BLM - 17
                BRD - 25

                Always wants to chat for fun. =)


                • #53
                  i just got into mining, bought a full set of field gear and headed off to gusgen ( i am 63 whm/blm so easy to get there and back ).

                  first stack of picks i get 2 darksteel a few iron etc, make 15k.

                  second stack i only got through 1/2 before inventory was full but i got a black rock and a few iron so all my stacks of picks and the booties+gloves field gear are paid off.

                  I was going to try ifrits cauldron, but I made a trip there to get ifrit and i think its far too dangerous.
                  55% Skill
                  35% Equipment
                  10% Race

                  White Mage - 75 - Completed
                  Ninja - 75 - Completed
                  Summoner - 75 - Completed
                  My Livejournal


                  • #54
                    Actually, I can point out three points missing on the Palborough map alone. ^^


                    • #55
                      Yeah the maps are handy but not necesarilly that damaging. It really depends on how many people decide to try mining on your server. Whoever said Platinum sold for 13k in Jeuno I feel sorry for you but I think Caitsith might go that way soon. :sweat:

                      Anyways since we're posting maps here is a link to a very nice miner who set up a gusgen mine map.


                      36 War/15 Mnk/22 Thf/62 Pld/Bst 75/Nin 33/Whm 36/Blm 19/Cor 7
                      Full Af X2 • Rank 8 • Alchemy 65


                      • #56
                        I started mining rather recently, have full Feild clothes(excluding pants) and tired all the mining zones excluding Zerhun, and here's what I found out.

                        Yugghot- Close together but I didn't find anything worthwhile...wast of my time.

                        Palsborough- My first succssful mining trip was here. Didn't find any Platinu ore but found many Mythril, Silver, Iron, and Coloured rocks. Very profitable for the level 30+ as long as its not too crowded.

                        Gusgen- Meh, same as Yugghot except I found a coloured stone but my mining friend finds Darksteel al the time so it IS worth it if you know where to look.(level 50+ is needed to not get aggro)'

                        Ifrit's- Ahh, my treasure box. I have found more sucess here than anywhere else. First trip was rather discraging as I died 3 times w/o any profit. Next day I went in and had about 4 stacks of picaxes, didn't go anywhere near depleteing them all....BUT! I did find Orichalcum Ore! that is worth 50k ok Ragnarok....quite worth the exp loss I receivd that day. The next day I decided to try my luck again and took the remaning picaxes(26) and just went for it. After about 3 hours of finding flint/bomb ash/bomb arms/sulfer I strike it rich with ADAMAN ORE! 100k in my poket for 3 hours of work.
                        Not only have I earned around 200k in profit in about 3 days worth of mining, I am also an expert in navigating Ifrits.

                        PS: Don't take you're main job here as I guarantee you will die if you go in...I recommend leveling up your Whm or Rdm to 25 so you can *gasp* cast Sneak and Invisable on yourself!! Thusly dopping your costs to ONLY picaxes. And that makes me a happy panda.

                        Clothcraft - 88.1+1


                        • #57
                          Level 48-50 all I needed to worry about aggroing in Gusgen were Juggler Hecteyes and Foul Meat, but they're both NM's and there's a total of 4 points near the both of them :/

                          Below 48 there might be probs with those Feu Follet bomb types, but they're around the same area as Juggler Hecteyes, just don't go dropping down any holes and they're not so hard to avoid.


                          • #58
                            Mining Varries on any giving day. I always take three stacks of Pickaxes, 2 stacks of Fire crystals. 5 slots taken at first there then the three slots for filed gear. so 8/50 slots are empty.

                            Well I have started my goldsmithing up and continued my Blacksmithing. I go in with the plans of leveling up my skill. so Everytime I get 4 copper ore I make copper ingots. if I have zinc or tin I will just use three copper and use one of the tin or zinc to make me Bronze or Brass ingots. The iron ore I get use for of them to make up iron/Steel ingots. Steel is a HQ result of making iron ingots if lucky. Silver do the same make silver ingots. My skills are not high enough to make the gold or darksteel items. also make tin ingots if get to many ores there 4 to make them so that is another 6 slots in the making leaving me 14\50 items to go in this process I get several stacks of ingots that sell nicely too. when I am done mining on trips in gusgen I have several ingots made from the lesser ores but I have the rest of my inv full of Darksteel and Gold ores, and colored rocks. Each trip varires but I usually have at least 2 darksteel ores. some times like last night I came out with 12 darksteel ore, 10 gold ore, 5 black rock, 3 red rocks, 4 yellow rocks, was in there about 3 hours hint the color rocks are by day. this was one of the good days some times I am full of ingot stacks from the lesser ores but still have good money from them. Just depends on your luck and the amount of people that is mining. Even with the mining gear you can have a bad day.
                            Race/Gender: Elvaan/Male
                            Server: Fairy
                            Linkshell: FuzzySyndicate, Catalyst


                            • #59
                              Wow..I consider myself lucky going into Gusgen and coming out with just 2 darksteels and a bunch of iron so i can say i profited by 10k after cost of pickaxes. You say once you got 12 darksteel AND 10 gold ore?? If I were only so lucky...

                              Right now I'm lvl 41 and im just mining the spots near the entrance because if I go lower Wights will aggro me. Do you get better ore from the mining spots deeper in? If so I'm gonna lvl up as fast I can so I can go deeper


                              • #60
                                First off, I might say that i belive mining to be a great source of income. Personally i like to mine grotto because of the near points and Darksteel and Gold ores found.

                                I had a few questions that maybe some of u mining pros could answer

                                1) How much difference does a full feild set make? i'm currently just using the boots but if it makes a huge difference i'd be inclined to buy the body and gloves as well

                                2) have you guys noticed a decline in your mining results since the patch? I thought i did but then i got two gold ores on a run today so that was good for me. I was just wondering if ne one else noticed a decline or change in their mining results. I still can't decide if mining is based purely on luck or if day of the week, moon cycle, craft lvl or any other factors like that influence the outcome of mining.

                                Thanks in advance
                                --RDM----WHM----BLK---- RANK: 8
                                ---63-------33------22---- San D'oria
                                All Artifact Armor Attained
                                Genkai 1,2,3 and 4 complete
                                ::IFRIT SERVER::
                                Joining of Six 4 Life
                                ::JOINING OF SIX::

