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ClothCraftskills will not go up

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  • ClothCraftskills will not go up

    My Cloth Craft skill is level 11 and last night I made like 5 cotton gloves , 3 slacks , 3 cotton gaiters , and like 6 himatichs.
    My skills only went up like 0.3 total.
    What can I make for the skill to go up?
    The guild guy says yugato flechings but those are level 23?or 21 and I am only level 11
    I did my crafting on firesday and still only 0.3

  • #2
    Yagudo Fletchings will take you up to lvl 21-22 or so. So go ahead and craft them and see how they do for skill-ups. I made linen thread (2 flax flower + lightning) until lvl 13-4 and then did fletchings to lvl 21-22ish.


    • #3
      Yag fletchings kick in from about 15-16.

      Hachimachis should take you to 15 (if i remember rightly)

      For earth recipes craft on Earth day, Light day and Lightning day

      For wind recipes craft on Earth day, Light day and Wind Day

      Any other days and skill ups and success rates will be low.... DO NOT craft on darksday for anything unless it is a dark crystal recipe.
      Mee Mee Mee Mee
      Laa Laa Laa Laa
      THF 30 ; MNK 15 ; BRD 27 ; RDM 15 ; WHM 18 ; RNG 14 ; WAR 10
      Cloth : 35


      • #4
        Also remember that unless you are beginning to approach the trivial level of the recipes you are attempting, always have Advanced Support on if at all possible.


        • #5
          I went into Giddeus on Earthsday for massive Yag training and got 20 yag necklaces. I then processed said necklaces through thread, to cloth, and then into Hachimakis. So 10 Hachimakis on earthsday, with wind crystals. I am level 11 clothcraft. I did not net one single point of skill in all 10, and not one failed. The synth is so, so, so easy, I'm really beginning to wonder if the "11-15" notation for that recipe is correct. It involves no cotton whatsoever. Just 2 grass cloth and a wind cryst.

          Am I doing something wrong crafting wind recipes on earthsday? I thought that worked well since wind beats earth, and it seems to have worked well for me in the past.. I dunno. I guess I'll try something else until I can get those yag fletchings in the making.

          That or maybe I'll just try again on windsday. These wind crystal costs are killing me though >.<


          • #6
            After a little more crafting, it seems that Lightsday Full moon is pretty good for skillups.

            Also, correcting my previous statement darksday also seems to be good for skillups but not so good for successes.

            I dunno, it is tough to tell what is simple randomness and what helps.

            I try to stick to the following order Lightsday, Darksday (esp if I am desynthing), Day crystal is strongest, Day crystal is weakest.

            Hachimachis do go to 15, but I have found once you are in about 4-5 levels of a recipe skills start to drop. The sweet spot seems to be 5-8 levels below, although success rates will be slightly lower.
            Mee Mee Mee Mee
            Laa Laa Laa Laa
            THF 30 ; MNK 15 ; BRD 27 ; RDM 15 ; WHM 18 ; RNG 14 ; WAR 10
            Cloth : 35


            • #7
              Wow!! I solved my problem.
              I will believe what is being said about the hachimaki's... but for some reason they weren't working *at all* for me. Maybe I just had a terrible dry spell.

              I synthed about 14 Sitabaki's (about 10 of which were successful) and rose from level 11.5 to 12.6

              After that, I decided to try the famed Yagudo Fletchings.. at 2x Yag Feather + Wind, the synth was just too easy to pass up. Especially with feather stacks selling for 200 (sometimes 300) at the AH.

              Eureka! I used the paid (60gil from the certain NPC in the weaving guild) image support- that one grants more skill gain I suppose. The skill points literally flew. I went from 12.6 to 21.6 (I dropped down to the non-paid image support, and then dropped it altogether once I was high enough). I had to stop in the middle to throw a cotton cape at that NPC for my level upgrade haha..
              The trick is getting wind crystals. I have a 42 BLM, so in two trips to Buburimu during windy forecasts and with ranger subbed, I was able to locate enough air elementals to come up with something like 12 wind clusters. Crystal enough to gain like 10 skill level points I'm still in my level 21- gaining skill from yag feathers. I plan to do that until it literally runs *dry*. My question is, after that, what is the next synth I should sink my teeth into? Bird Fletchings seems to be a popular one, but I dunno if I will be high enough (it's listed as level 34, wheras yag is listed as 21) to perform it for skill with support yet. Also, bird fletchings are 1200 per stack in windurst on phoenix. Yags were 200 per stack... quite an increase. I hope the payout is better? Or is there a better synth I should work at around level 22-23?


              • #8
                Hehe sorry to burst the bubble, but yag fletchings stop at 22!

                It is pretty tough after this point for the next few levels, you will need to suck it up and do heko obis, which will make no profit whatsoever.

                Once you get to around 25 you can start doing shinobi-tabi, this is easy to lose money on unless you farm your items.... Bird fletchings cap at around level 42, I couldn't make these at 30 skill, I will try again at 32, although I expect it won't be until around 34-35 that bird fletchings will be viable.
                Mee Mee Mee Mee
                Laa Laa Laa Laa
                THF 30 ; MNK 15 ; BRD 27 ; RDM 15 ; WHM 18 ; RNG 14 ; WAR 10
                Cloth : 35


                • #9
                  Ok so Heko Obi's it is... I talked to a JP friend of mine in-game and he said heko obi's as well..

                  I have a question about linen (since most of the stuff around this level seems to start involving it) I'm pretty broke and intend on farming what I can. To get flax you have to use a sickle right? I know nothing at all about harvesting like that.. I know worker gloves help, but since I'm in a gil crunch I'm not gonna go bust out a whole set of that just to get 1 more flax at the moment.
                  Will I gain any skill at all by taking linen through its progression at level 22? If so I'd like to farm that and process that until it caps. Heko obi's are nice (no linen required) but saruta cotton is very slow to come by. Even by hunting Pygmaoi's in Tahrongi while stealing form them. Maybe linen is slower though.. I dunno.

                  Also, what level can I start synthing worker gear and all that good stuff? I tried a synth for fun only to have it tell me I wasn't allowed to use that recipe yet. I'm level 22


                  • #10
                    Harvesting is very slow..... takes me about an hour to get a stack of flax in Giddeous....

                    This makes 6 threads and then 2 cloths. I would stay away from any linen recipes really, they are simply not worth the time.

                    Your best tbh is to farm in E Sarta, I usually farm around the I-9-J-9 (?? where the tower is for the first mission). Steal off mandra's for cotton, farm bees for honey and beehive chips, kill gobs for masks and mail, kill crawlers for silk. Also, Spiny Spipi spawns around here so you can have a pop at him too (grrrr 3 attempts and still no cape drop!).

                    You can usually farm around 20-40Ks worth of stuff and have a stack or 2 of cotton after a couple of hours. I then sell the stuff and buy cotton cloth.
                    Mee Mee Mee Mee
                    Laa Laa Laa Laa
                    THF 30 ; MNK 15 ; BRD 27 ; RDM 15 ; WHM 18 ; RNG 14 ; WAR 10
                    Cloth : 35

