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Tree Saplings.....

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  • #16
    i dont think telling the recipe for making tree saplings is going to hurt anyone..come on! we know its from tree cuttings, but someone has to know which crystals to give. everytime i plant my cuttings i get nuggets out of it ( platinum and darksteel from the combos i've tried). and its not like everyone will start gardening these things anyways, the cuttings take 2 weeks+ real time to grow, this isn't for everyone.


    • #17
      I would be infinately thankful if you pm'ed the recipe (I'm on Titan)


      • #18
        I'd appreciate a PM as well(I'm on Ragnarok so no cutting into you profits ^^). I've been into gardening for a while and that info would really be helpful, thanks in advance!

        Clothcraft - 88.1+1


        • #19
          You get tree saplings with:
          tree cuttings + nothing + nothing (best results so far)
          tree cuttings + dark crystal + nothing (can yield bronze nuggets etc.)
          tree cuttings + light crystal + nothing (can yield bronze nuggets etc.)

          Japanese site for gardening info:

          Specifically about tree cuttings:

          If you can't read japanese use the translator at:

          Or better

          With the options:“ú?¨‰p(radiobutton) & –󕶂ƌ´•¶‚ð•\Ž¦ (dropdownlist)
          Rank: 6 ジョブ: 暗 61, シ 38, 戦 37, 赤 26, 白 25, 黒 20, モ 20, 竜 10, 獣 10, 吟 10, 侍 10, 狩 10, 忍 20, 召 15, ナ 1, 青 10, コ 10, カ10
          Never argue with a moron. They pull you down to their level and beat you through experience.


          • #20
            the market for cutting harvests is all but dead.

            Platnum nuggets going for 20k a stack on Fairy and still dropping(2 weeks ago it was 35k a stack).

            Sapplings selling for 10-11k each now(30k each 2 weeks ago).

            Gardening is becoming not worth the trouble.

            Milkmandan, using perfect punctuation in /l since 2004.
            Tiamat O
            Jormungand O
            Vrtra O
            DLord O
            JoL O
            AV X


            • #21
              Do you see people standing in jeuno handing out gil to random strangers?? I sure dont, so ask yourself why anyone would give out the information on growing the most expensive items that can be harvested with gardening, after what happened with the platinum market.

              Before the flood of NA's with their "Recepies", platinum nuggets were selling for 80k per stack on my server.. and now its down to 12-15k. It's a simple matter of Supply and Demand, and nobody likes to see their items returned to the moogle house from the AH. In regards to the "Jackpot" items... I found out how to grow HQ ores by investing close to 1 million gil and 1 month of my time in 40 different pots, so NO I will not divulge the information on how to grow them. But I have a feeling its only a matter of time before some idiot spills the beans and the market for all HQ gardened item falls to the waste side.

              In the meantime if you are truly impatient, i suggest you experiment yourself with different crystal/day/moonphase combinations until you find out for yourself the correct ingredients involved in growing HQ items. You might get a head start on the rest of the NA population and might be able to make some profit. Good luck and God speed ^^


              • #22
                Originally posted by ganhosi
                ... I found out how to grow HQ ores by investing close to 1 million gil and 1 month of my time in 40 different pots, so NO I will not divulge the information on how to grow them
                Well if people like you would let others know instead of being stingy with information, maybe you wouldnt have had to waste so much money.
                If the whole economy was correct and items werent overpriced then people could have better armor and weapons, then we would die less and level faster.......but thats too much to expect in a world where most only look out for #1
                **Co-Founder of TheCynicalJadedBastardsWhoUsedToGiveAShitButRealizedThatGetsYouNowhereSoNowWeJustInsultPeopleAndCussALot**
                +302 lvls gained (not including the -20 for purposely deleveling BRD to 45)

                If you havent played BST past 35, you havent played BST.


                • #23
                  Well if people like you would let others know instead of being stingy with information, maybe you wouldnt have had to waste so much money.
                  Wow do you want to play this game for yourself or do you want me to hold your hand through everything? Dont you find that since the introduction of Tree cuttings and saplings are only about 3 months old, it might be exciting to find out for yourself?

                  Like I stated in my previous post, just look at what happened to the Plat Nugget market. If you were to buy tree cuttings at 4k each and spend 2 weeks(real time) growing them to sell them at 12k... instead of 80k, you do the math to see if it's worth your time not to just FARM. This is taking into account also that half your crop might turn into rock salt or worms.

                  If the whole economy was correct and items werent overpriced then people could have better armor and weapons, then we would die less and level faster.......but thats too much to expect in a world where most only look out for #1
                  Wow what world do you live in? Sure would be nice if I could have all the insider trade information on the Stock Market. Your being way to general and idealistic. FFXI market runs on Supply and Demand.... surprisingly like the real world. If the SE developers wanted everyone to die less and level faster then they would have made everything free, thrown out the market aspect of the game. Hell, while we're at it, why not just throw out all the gil and make it into a Star Trekish community where everyone works for the common good of the whole, with everything given out by the NPC.

                  There are 2 types of people in the FFXI community..

                  1). the masses who cower in the corner waiting for hand outs and crying

                  2) People who actually play the game and take chances to pave the road for the future generation.


                  • #24
                    Actually I agree with ganhosi.. I was doing great with the Plat. Nuggets. Then I went to other ores when I knew that prices were going to go way down. And yes he should keep his information to himself. Why? cause he makes his own profit from it.. and he wouldn't want to destroy his own income, niether does anyone else.

                    The only reason why people knew about Platinum Nuggets, is because it spread on whoever's server, and his plat. nugget prices plumeted. So.. they release the information and every incompetent moron started growing them on their servers.

                    Those who are smart about it will know how to grow the items, and will also know to keep it to themselves.
                    Full Cursed= O
                    Full Str Gear= O
                    Apocalypse= ; ;

                    DRK - /war /thf /nin /sam /whm
                    1-year break.. everything so cheap O_O


                    • #25
                      on Unicorn server..

                      Tree Cuttings used to sell for 60k a Stack.. now 39k

                      and Tree Sapling used to sell for 200k a Stack.. now 100k......

                      hmmmmm... that was like 1-2 weeks ago..

                      so i totally agree with ganhosi


                      • #26
                        I DON"T understand impatience noobs that are trying to sell their stuff fast.. Don't they know they will screw up the economy of this thing :sweat: But, Its not only their fault..

                        The real noobs are the ones that are going to leech all the methods to all boards, gamefaqs, ffxionline, and many more.

                        This way all ppl will know it and they don't want their stuff to sell nextyear. ( av 70 ~ on ah )

                        And yes, I share some methods too to make gils but only on my LS boards or PM's.. I 1000 % don't understand why ppl leech this to many boards.. :mad:
                        Ridill + Adaman Hauberk :D


                        • #27
                          Seriously, you SHOULD NOT tell your findings to anybody. Like it's been said, Plat. Nuggets were 40k a stack on Bismarck, dropped to 30k and still dropping. This sounds harsh, but learn it for yourself and keep it to yourself.
                          Searching for a set party....


                          • #28

                            you must be on of those asses that cant figure shit out for themselves and when they DO get information, flood the market with the item or undercut the prices.

                            Ganhosi, i totally agree with you.
                            Everything is dropping because of new incompetant and impatient NA n00bs. I'm not saying all NAs are bad, but there are so many that they give NAs a bad image.

                            If you look at every undercut price, you'd see that almost all the undercutters are NAs, and you can largely tell by their names.

                            Mining is all the same, Plat ore used to go for 45k a piece... now? 18k if your lucky... why? becuase people dont know how to wait! its pretty retarded...

                            This game sort of represents real life, you find out things and you get ahead of others. Do you see succesful business men giving away all their tricks of the trade or all their stock secrets? I think not...

                            Same deal here, you think everyone is going to tell you their best planting? to get fire ores and what not? I highly doubt it... and im sorry if you live in a mindset that they will...


                            • #29
                              man their is some greedy people out their.....


                              • #30
                                Saplings are SOOOO over rated - they take like a month to grow - once everyine tries this once the prices will drop when everyone sees how futile it is.

                                Well after weeeks of waiting for my saplings to sprout i got alot of crap - basicaly lost LOTS of gil 8.[...

                                planted about 15 - recorded 10

                                all 10 in procelain pots
                                all planted on light day 90%full moon
                                1-fire + fire (fire day)= 32 cinnamon
                                2-nothing + fire (fire day)= 36 cinnamon
                                3-light + light = 12 rock salt
                                4-nothing + light (light day) = 4 light crystals ><
                                5-light + light = 14 gold leaves
                                6-dark + dark = 3 cuttings !!!!! <=== @_@ (wtf)
                                7-nothing + nothing = 12 gold leaves
                                8-ice + ice(ice day) = 4 plat leaves
                                9-wind + light = crappy feathers ><
                                10- lighting (lightng day) + nothing = 14 silver leaves

                                if these leaves EVER sell i might have only ~100-50k loss
                                i am going back to normal plants - i cant afford to spend 300k and 2 months for an ore that is now at 350k but will soon drop to 200k - and STILL not have much of a chance at getting one - from what i have read you have about a 1 in 15 chance of getting an ore no matter how perfect you plant - and if you pland crappy (wind+light good example) you get no chance. The way i see it it is only profitable if you can get 3-4 of 10 into ores (mostly a time issue)-

                                again I do not recomend trying to grow the ores for the cash - they are SUPER unreliable - try and grow something else and just hope you get an ore. I think this was implimented for crafters for the rare ores like lightining ore that is super super rare yet same price as other ele ores - just hard as all hell to find at AH.


                                i am going back to fruit seeds for the fast harvest times - i can easily make 200-100k a week with those - and no i wont tell you what i am making ^^

