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Does anybody know what the recipe's for the jse are?

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  • Does anybody know what the recipe's for the jse are?

    Specifically this one:
    Attached Files

  • #2
    I'm not sure which armor that is but it isn't any JSE that I recognize. If anything it looks like the Iron Musketeer Armor but I think it is different.
    "Know the enemy and know yourself; in one hundred battles you will never be in peril."
    -Sun Tzu


    • #3
      i've never seen that armor before, maybe it's for the upcoming update. where did you find this picture


      • #4
        is that jse for pld? nice armor!


        • #5
          .... JSE... why can't we call it AF?

          anyway, that's not PLD's AF.... nor have I seen that on my server, so I am not sure... may be it's a NM drop?? or HNM?


          • #6
            I think that's a set of the new mega ueber Cursed Armor...
            in which case, don't even think about crafting that under normal circumstances...

            Kynósoura :: 新しい犬星 :: The unfiltered meanderings of djplaeskool


            • #7
              Originally posted by Cali
              .... JSE... why can't we call it AF?

              anyway, that's not PLD's AF.... nor have I seen that on my server, so I am not sure... may be it's a NM drop?? or HNM?

              because JSE and AF are different. AF cannot be sold and is quested for. JSE can be crafted and sold in the AH.
              Back from the Dead


              • #8
                ok Im guessing thats the kaiser/koenig cursed armor set...
                this is how cursed gear works (i think)
                to get the final armor you need...
                1) Cursed Armor (is crafted, isn't rare/ex)
                2) An Abjuration for each piece (HNM drop Rare/ex)
                3) A Trip to San'd Catherdral, u give the priest the Abjuration and the cursed item he then uncurses it and you get a shiny new piece of armor
                Notes: there is an individual abjuration and cursed piece for each finished armor piece. Also to get a HQ of any of the you need a "-1" version of the cursed item (as in usually to have +1 for hq)

                ok now... for this indivdual piece

                Cursed Cuirass
                Fire Crystal
                Orichalcum Ore
                3x Cerment Chips
                Darksteel Cuirass
                Platinum ingot
                Platinum Chain
                Platinum Sheet
                Alchemy - ?
                Goldsmithing - 98
                < Body > All Races Def 65 HP+60 STR-10 DEX-10 VIT+20 CHR+20 Lv73 - War Pld

                hrm.. that picture has the whole set in it bah in time...

                Spuncan - Beta 41 mnk - rank 5 - Goldsmith 40
                Spuncan - Retail 73 mnk - rank 10 - Woodworking 63


                • #9
                  Ninja Gi (NIN)
                  Weaving - 90 Smithery - 65
                  2x Darksteel Chain + 2x Darksteel sheet + Rainbow Thread + 3x Wool Cloth + fire crystal

                  Black Cloak (BLM)
                  Weaving - 89
                  Gold Thread + Silver Thread + 2x Silk Cloth + Rainbow Cloth + 3x Wool Cloth + earth crystal

                  Noble's Tunic (WHM)
                  Weaving - 87
                  2x Velvet Cloth + 2x Gold Thread + Silver Thread + Silk Cloth + Rainbow Cloth + Shining Cloth(king behemoth drop!!!) + earth crystal

                  Noble's Slacks (WHM)
                  Weaving - 84
                  2x Rainbow Cloth + 2x Gold Thread + Velvet Cloth + earth crystal

                  Noble's Mittens (WHM)
                  Weaving - 83
                  Saruta Cotton + 2x Gold Thread + Rainbow Cloth + Cotton Cloth + earth crystal

                  Noble's Crown (WHM)
                  Gold Smithing - 71
                  Copper Ingot + Gold Ingot + Topaz + fire crystal

                  Lord's Cuiress (PLD)
                  Goldsmithing - 89
                  3x Gold board + 2x Gold Ingot + Platinum Ingot + Mercury + Darksteel Cuirass

                  i don't know the DRK and DRG ones but i do know demon harness is bonewrk and Dragon Armor is a mix of bonework and smithing


                  • #10
                    Dragon Cuisses [JSE]
                    Earth Crystal
                    Silver thread
                    2x Wyvern's Scale
                    Leather Trousers
                    Tanning - ?
                    Boneworking - 82
                    < legs > All races Def 31 HP+11 fire +10 ice +10 Breath Dmg Received -4% Lv69 - Drg

                    Dragon Finger Gauntlets [JSE]
                    Earth Crystal
                    Silver thread
                    2x Wyvern's Scale
                    Leather Glove
                    Boneworking - 84
                    < hands > All Races Def 15 HP+8 lightning +10 water +10 Breath Dmg Received -4% Lv68 - Drg

                    Dragon Geaves [JSE]
                    Earth Crystal
                    Silver thread
                    2x Wyvern's Scale
                    Leather High-boots
                    Boneworking - 86
                    < feet > All Races Def 13 HP+9 wind +10 earth +10 Breath Dmg Received -4% Lv68 - Dragon

                    Dragon Mask [JSE]
                    Wind Crystal
                    2x Wyvern's Scale
                    Sheep Leather
                    Boneworking - 87
                    < Head > All Races Def 23 HP+10 light +10 dark +10 Breath Dmg Received -4% Lv68 - Drg

                    Dragon Mail
                    Earth Crystal
                    Dragon Scale
                    3x Wyvern's Scale
                    Darksteel Chain
                    Darksteel board
                    Silver thread
                    Leather Vest
                    Smith - ?
                    Boneworking - 90
                    < Body > All Races Def 47 HP+12 fire +10 ice +10 wind +10 earth +10 lightning +10 water +10 light +10 dark +10 Breath Dmg Recieved -9% Lv70 - Drg

                    Demon harness [JSE]
                    Earth Crystal
                    2x Behemoth Leather
                    2x Demon Skull
                    Tanning - 59
                    Boneworking - 90
                    < Body > All Races Def 41 Atk +6 Eva +6 Black Magic Skill +5 15 MP -> HP Lv70 - Drk

                    hrm... that should be all the jse out right now, well except for the rings and errings but those are bcnm drops. oh and all info is from ffrecipe w/ noun translations w/ FFXItool

                    Spuncan - Beta 41 mnk - rank 5 - Goldsmith 40
                    Spuncan - Retail 73 mnk - rank 10 - Woodworking 63


                    • #11
                      which monsters do breath dmg? O_o?

                      are the recipes for the cursed stuff given from the guild?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Disturbed
                        which monsters do breath dmg? O_o?

                        are the recipes for the cursed stuff given from the guild?
                        Breath damage are generally "sprayed" outward. This seems to be everything from Crawler's "Poison Breath" to Antican's "Magnetite Cloud."


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Haruko the Alie
                          Black Cloak (BLM)
                          Weaving - 89
                          Gold Thread + Silver Thread + 2x Silk Cloth + Rainbow Cloth + 3x Wool Cloth + earth crystal
                          Ahem, that should be 3x Raxa, not Wool Cloth.


                          • #14
                            That isn't any Job Only armor, only Paladin's and Warrior's can wield it, I got a screen shot of this to, been awhile since I seen this armor, but here is my shot of the body I took

                            BTW: Is the only JSE for a Paladin the Body, or is it possible there could be some more, but no one knows the materials needed
                            Attached Files

                   - Rants and other crap on my mind.


                            • #15
                              Lei on our server has that set... i believe its the Koenig Set.... not too sure.

