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Fishing Lures

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  • Fishing Lures

    Okay, currently I am fishing in/around Mhaura for yellow globes w/ a glass/sabiki setup and have a few questions

    1. What would be a good lure (not bait) to fish for Moat Carp?

    2. Should I gather up the 4k for a carbon rod?

    3. What would be a good rod for freshwater fishing? I have tried to use a fastwater/insect ball to fish for them in WindWalls/Waters, 17 baits for 4 fish so i'm guessing that chance to catch a fish can also be influenced by the rod varying from fresh and salt water.

    and my fishing lvl is 5 btw
    Vermillion Cloak O ^^
    Maat Mashed
    Windurst Rank 10

  • #2
    1. Unfortunately a lure won't catch moat carp, just little worms or the preferred balls insect paste.

    2. Anywhere you can fish up carp there are rusty items that will snap a carbon rod, but the carps should pay for it by itself. Only the bigger rods such as mithran or composite can stand the rusty items at the risk of losing smaller fish.

    3. Mithran rod is great for fresh water albeit a bit pricey. There's only a couple of places such as E.Ronfaure and Jugner where a Mithran will break and it will never lose a carp due to size.


    • #3
      Originally posted by shwiggy
      1. Unfortunately a lure won't catch moat carp, just little worms or the preferred balls insect paste.

      2. Anywhere you can fish up carp there are rusty items that will snap a carbon rod, but the carps should pay for it by itself. Only the bigger rods such as mithran or composite can stand the rusty items at the risk of losing smaller fish.

      3. Mithran rod is great for fresh water albeit a bit pricey. There's only a couple of places such as E.Ronfaure and Jugner where a Mithran will break and it will never lose a carp due to size.
      ok thnx for the info ^^ i guess i'll skip the carbon and save for the mithran which goes for a little under less than 1/3rd of the retail price at the AH .... and will the mithran will be just as effective in salt water?
      Vermillion Cloak O ^^
      Maat Mashed
      Windurst Rank 10


      • #4
        Wait, doesn't a rogue rig catch moat carps?


        • #5
          Rogue rigs are for pulling up non-fish items. Saw a mithran pull up a rusty bucket once. She tried to eat it and got this queer look on her face.

          Moat carp are worms & insect paste only. Insect paste is highly recommended. Expect to pull up maybe 3-6 carp for every stack of bait at the lower levels. Stacks of bait sell for 350-500 on the AH.


          • #6
            I wouldn't use insect balls once you hit around lvl 15 fishing... only reason I used to use insect balls is to avoid catching crayfish and at my current level (17) I don't hardly catch any crays. Little worms are much more gil efficient (4 gil for little worm)


            • #7
              Saw a mithran pull up a rusty bucket once.
              Rusty Buckets can be fished with anything.

              Rogue Rigs are basically an improved Sabiki Rig; likely for small fish.


              • #8
                According to Osakana's database, Rogue Rigs *can* fish up Moat Carp.



                • #9
                  They *can* fish up moat carps, but it's VERY unlikely. Most people use it to fish up inorganic items. It may be able to catch fish more often, but at lower levels you will almost never catch a fish.
                  Jobs as of 29 Sep 04

                  RNG-56, NIN-49, WAR-40, THF-39, PLD-33, SAM-31.

                  Windurst Rank 6


                  • #10
                    yeah ive caught a rusty bucket AND a rusty helmet which sold pretty good at AH... i use peeled crayfish which suck cuz now i dont catch shit as for my at school right now but its was around 2k i want to say but dont know off hand..anyways ..what do u guys recommend for bait for my lvl which isnt even one cuz i aint been fishing much ..but when i do i dont even get any points..but that doesnt bother me ...any recommendations as for bait/lure :D...and good gil fish
                    well...blow me down


                    • #11
                      ok, u guys seem to know what your on about, so in plain english. What rod do I need and bait/rig do I need to get moat carp? I could do with prices as well please! Thanks!
                      Check out my Linkshell Site,



                      • #12
                        I would suggest the simple combination of a Bamboo Fishing Rod (300 gil) with Balls of Insect Paste (~300 gil/stack) in Windurst Woods to fish for Moat Carp.

                        Buy three rods at first, you will break one somewhere along the way.

                        If you're really, really into fishing, you can try to justify purchasing a Mithran Fishing Rod (over 10,000 gil), which can be used just about anywhere, to catch a variety of fish.

