anyone want to share how they got it up to 20?
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woodworking pre20's
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Take a look at the Guild Recipe list on and find something in you're specific range. I'd also check between the AH and see whats something that doesn't necissarily have the highest profit but what has a modest profit and a high turnover... Just my 2 cents...
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Doesn't it seem kind of strange how there is all this info on how to leveling woodworking from lvl 20 and on...But when someone asks how to simply get to 20 in a normal amount of time it gets all quite. Oh well i got to 9 and willow and holly the only things still raising me up. :mad: :mad:
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At level 9... hmm.
I think I was making Holly Staffs (16) then and getting good ups. It's not TOO expensive, cheapest of the holly line. You make them with a wind crystal and 1x holly lumber and 1x sheep's tooth. The teeth go for about 1500 a stack on my server, so it's not too bad. If staffs are too high then (shouldn't be) make maple tables, which are earth with 4x maple lumber. It sounds like a lot but it's cheaper than shortbows, the second cheapest option.
When you're able to make Maple Sugar with a good success rate, switch over to that. Maple sugar is just a lightning crystal with a maple log. Simple and VERY cheap. If you've got some cash to spend and want to level as fast as you can, continue making the staffs. The guild shop sells out of maple logs VERY quickly, so you've got to be quick.
At around 21, when maple craps out and holly is worthless, switch over to Yew Wands, made with a wind crystal and 1x Yew lumber and 1x Yagudo feather. The Yew isn't much, and the feathers are about 1k if I remember correctly. It's the downright cheapest thing you can make at this time. Pump wands untill you can make bookholders and wands lose their ups.
Bookholders are 1x Holly and 1x Lauan lumbers, with an earth crystal. This is just about as expensive as the old Holly Staffs so don't worry about cost. Of course, I'm still making them at 27, but I'm flat broke ~ ~
Which leads to another thing: If you're complaining about the cost of holly lumber/logs, you're not in very good shape as a crafter. 400 a log at the AH, 500-700 at GS is nothing.
Just as a tip, never work with really expensive stuff like walnut, elm or chestnut unless you have to/want to, and from my estimates, you never have to untill way later in the trade.~30 MNK~ ~15 THF~ ~33 RNG ~9 SAM~ ~8 DRK~ ~7 WHM~ ~6 BRD~
~5 BST~ ~5 WAR~
(Rest 0)
~32 Woodworking~
NM Fights/Drops
Doppleganger Dio ~ 2/1
Stinging Sophie 6/0 (Had rare)
Bomb King 2/0 (Had rare)
Jaggedy-Eared Jack 1/0
Serpopard Isthtar 1/0
Encounters: Spiny Spipi (Stolen) Jolly Green (Ignored)
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I did something like this . . .
ash for 0-8(yes, that is a little bit insane)
bronze bolts for 8-14(why not, had tons left over from blacksmithing)
yew lumber for 14-18
yew wands for 18 - ??? 23 I think
then I did some really stupid crap involving elm and chestnut that you shouldn't do, so I'll say nothing more.
At least, that's what I THINK I did. I spent most of my time woodworking thinking about blacksmithing. My woodworking as a little, uh, haphazard as result.
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I did Maple Sugar from 12-21, then I did Silver Arrows from 21-29, with Advanced Imagery Support from the Guild, and didn't failt TO much and I'm currently leveling my skill on making Beetle Arrows.
Hmm, I need to update sig"We grab swords to protect small wounds that had been buried deep in old memories."
- Old saying
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I noticed that these methods will shoot u up to 20 in no time. I really like that idea. Thanks again for the info.
Now... Woodcrafting can really bring in the dough aswell, instead of spending all your gil on raising you level. I'm only lvl 11 now and i make a good 20,000gil a day. here's how i do it...also if you know of a better way please tell me, or if you like my way please use it... unless you are on me server...bahumut(spelling?) ahem*
*please note i'm doing this method with field armor*
ok i buy (4) hatchets =2,000gil
i buy (12) windcrystals = 1,000-1,600gil
I go logging at gelshba outpost and every tree i chop i'll only keep: ash=3,000(12lumber)
holly= 5,000(12 lumber)
elm=2,000(just for log)
i throw away all the other logs because I'll spend too much on crystals turning them into lumber:mad: all those other logs only worth llike 2,000gil for a stack of 12 lumber.
if your skill is high enough turn all your ash logs to lumber to allow for more room in inventory to take in holly and elm. I don't know about your server but only the Japanese by wood at the moment. So all your stuff aint gonna start selling fast till late at night or early morning :mad: So try to fill up your AH with all that precious wood at odd hours of playing. This works great for me let me know if this sucks for you or actually helps. Or if i'm simply stating the obvious
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