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Mining has gone to hell

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  • Mining has gone to hell

    back before the patch when i was mining i only break about 3-4 pickaxe now i break 12 everytime, i think it is bias towards all the rich high lvl japanese people...

  • #2
    I was having the same problem, but I went and purchased all of the "Field" Gear, and have since had a dramattic change in the number of breaks.

    now I fill up my pack before I break 2 stacks of pickaxes, and thats after crafting all my copper/tins into ingots, and only taking back a few ingots, and nothing but silver/zinc/mith/iron and an occasional plat.

    now the full set of field gear cost me 58K to get, so its not exactly proffitable, less you plan on mining long-term.


    • #3
      Mining in the same spot increases chance of breaking, due to recent patch.
      Warning level cat face.
      : 3


      • #4
        reason why i think its bias is because if everyone mine it once their will be alot of spots to go around and you dont break your pick axe like krazy, but since the japanese people can afford feild gear and alot of pickaxes they just keep mining till the spot is gone. if just mine once i wont really get anything considering their will only be one or two minespot around...

