I thought i saw a thread on this before, but i couldn't find it.
I was lvling in qufim last night, and i saw 2 japanese players fishing the whole time. They didn't respond, even when we accidently had an AOE hit him. How do you macro fishing? the only thing i can think of is referencing a macro within a macro. I would like to know for those times I am sitting in selbina or town waiting for a pt.
and before i get blasted for trying to "Cheat". My fishing skill lvl is 11 and i've done it honest the whole way. but on saturday/sunday morning while i'm waiting for invites, i fish and clean my house. it's a pain running back to the computer every 45 sec to hit fish again.
I was lvling in qufim last night, and i saw 2 japanese players fishing the whole time. They didn't respond, even when we accidently had an AOE hit him. How do you macro fishing? the only thing i can think of is referencing a macro within a macro. I would like to know for those times I am sitting in selbina or town waiting for a pt.
and before i get blasted for trying to "Cheat". My fishing skill lvl is 11 and i've done it honest the whole way. but on saturday/sunday morning while i'm waiting for invites, i fish and clean my house. it's a pain running back to the computer every 45 sec to hit fish again.