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  • Auto-fishing?

    I thought i saw a thread on this before, but i couldn't find it.

    I was lvling in qufim last night, and i saw 2 japanese players fishing the whole time. They didn't respond, even when we accidently had an AOE hit him. How do you macro fishing? the only thing i can think of is referencing a macro within a macro. I would like to know for those times I am sitting in selbina or town waiting for a pt.

    and before i get blasted for trying to "Cheat". My fishing skill lvl is 11 and i've done it honest the whole way. but on saturday/sunday morning while i'm waiting for invites, i fish and clean my house. it's a pain running back to the computer every 45 sec to hit fish again.
    Drk 70/ Rdm 30 / Sam 30 / Thf 34 / War 32 / Ninja 20 / Summoner 20
    Bastok 7-2
    Sky Access
    Lufaise Meadows Access

  • #2
    nevermind, finally found the other thread
    Drk 70/ Rdm 30 / Sam 30 / Thf 34 / War 32 / Ninja 20 / Summoner 20
    Bastok 7-2
    Sky Access
    Lufaise Meadows Access


    • #3
      Can you link it here?
      Legacy of Cid Forums


      • #4
        lol, try this link - Auto Fishing

        don't know if that will work.
        Drk 70/ Rdm 30 / Sam 30 / Thf 34 / War 32 / Ninja 20 / Summoner 20
        Bastok 7-2
        Sky Access
        Lufaise Meadows Access


        • #5
          I don't know, but my guess is 90 percent of the people you see who appear to be afk are actually just hitting a macro fish button everytime they can, of the standard:

          /wait 14


          I've done this before while reading a book, specifically The Hobbit (after seeing the third Lord of Rings film and waxing nostalgic to read all the books again.)

          I'm not sure how you could macro it to any good use anyway. The macro would have to hit return when a something was caught, it would have to go to inventory and autosort, it would have to recognize that rusty buckets and armor should be destroyed (to not fill up inventory) etc.

          But you may not need one that is totally afk, since you want to clean as you say.

          I have no idea what the 2ch they refer to in that thread you linked is. Otherwise, that thread doesn't seem to carry anymore info on actual ways to macro, while it does mention possible banning.

          Copyright 2002-2003, Square Enix LTD, etc.

          Fishing 11 Recruit
          Clothcraft 1
          35 different Windurst quests done
          20 different San d'Oria quests done
          7 different Bastok quests done
          2 different Mhaura quests done
          1 Jeuno quest done(gobbiebag, yay!)
          146 hours played, jeepers!


          • #6
            No you cannot macro fishing conventionally. All these simple in-game macros do is save you keystrokes, you still have to actually fish.

            There are several reasons why you cannot macro it even with an external program. One of the biggest stops is that FFXI will not let you minimize or run in a window. The other is that fishing requries a response to randomized events.

            You can macro fishing by using something that can read pixels and run while FFXI is on top. I've found FFXI to be VERY picky so far, if i even get new email while it's running it shuts down

            So while it is possible to macro fishing it can't be done with simple keystroke macro programs commonly found.

            The details of why fishing is difficult to macro without a pixel reader is that once you start a fishing cycle, there is a randomized time at which you get a bite. Once you get a bite you must hit a key to reel it in. If you hit a key TOO EARLY you cancel your fishing! If you hit the key TOO LATE you lose your bite. So what you need is a macro that will detect the little flashing bite color cycling cursor, and upon detecting that loop to the reeling in part of your macro.

            I do know some good macro programs that will read pixels and macro the fishing but they range from regular software price ($40) to high ($$$ hundreds), and for that much money a "cheater" could just buy that a ton of gil off ebay.

            As for people being unresponsive while fishing, i've been in several PTs fighting ITs where people are like that ><


            • #7
              The reason people are unresponsive,etc is because for serious fishers like myself fishing is almost a zen is like meditating in a way and we dont like to talk or chatter,etc..

              seriously i do alot of thinking while fishing just like i would in real fishing..if anyone is a real fisher in real life you know what im talking fishing is like meditation in a way...and those same principles apply in this game..

              its not that anyone is being rude...usually when fishing that is a time when you want to be alone and think to yourself and meditate on your thoughts.

              "Way of the Warrior"

              Samurai - Level 0
              Ninja - Level 0
              Warrior - Level 10
              Monk - Level 18

              "Goobie Bags are the Bomb"


              • #8
                the link for those of you who are looking for it is at DELETED

                they have a demo of the fishing bot and a fully functional exe that will give you that "zen" experience


                • #9
                  I got a wireless setup so I fish from the couch. I zoom in onto my character to see what's happening. Because I was too far to read the text, people got pissed off when I didn't respond to their messages, calling me a botter, threatening me with calling a GM and so forth and so forth ^^.

                  Then I changed the font for incoming messages to pure yellow so I could easlily spot it, and now when I see a message while fishing I just type some bs so they won't bug me. Actualy I just tell them the truth, I'm fishing from the couch, I'm lazy and don't want to get up and read their message off my monitor lol.

                  RDM35 / WAR20 / DRG10 / DRK10 / RNG 10 / PLD 35 / BLM 17

