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Gardeners! Is your production line up?

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  • Gardeners! Is your production line up?

    ok, im thinking of turning gardening into a full fledged money making production line. I will buy multiple pots to get the economies of scale. The only thing I was wondering is this - what should I grow to get the biggest bang for the buck?

    if you havent gotten the full gardening list yet here it is:

    so far, my investment will hinge on a few things: my pots i use, crystals to plant with, and the type of seeds to use.

    here what to balance - bronze pots are cheap, but porcelin ones are expensive so now i am limited to bronze pots.

    i have a lot of earth and water crystals but few of the other types.

    then there are the seeds to use: i find much more grain and vegetable seeds than any other type.

    ************important question***********
    red rocks, taru rice, kikkiru beans, lightning crystals, blue peas, popoto, yellow rock, kazham peppers, ice crystals are all gyhsal greens, little worms, margherite, rock salt, millicorn, la thienne cabbage
    are all some things i can make with what i have. which ones should i garden for to make the most money?

    there seems to be some randomness to the growing though. if i feed a vegetable seed nothing, it can either give me 2 yellow rocks or a rock salt. if anyone knows how to get the good one for sure tell us how.

    I'd like to hear from the gardeners out there!

  • #2
    Rocks sell for just under 1k each, sometimes over if you're lucky.

    Stacks of crystals can sell for a decent amount, and if you know the right recipe, you can make tons of Fire Crystals with your Brass Pots.


    • #3
      Sounds like your'e bastok, but if you make a trip to Sandoria or Windhurst you can also buy ceramic & earthen pots for 1k each. Even if you dont make the trip there are usually pots at the AH for around 1500g. So you really should look at all 3 normal pots, brass earthen ceramic.

