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whats the point of fishing??

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  • whats the point of fishing??

    How do I get a lot of money for it? it looks cool but time consuming but are there any tangible rewards? the other guilds you can use the things you craft, but what about fishing? I mean, i just don't see me selling out my inventory of fish any time soon. Who needs fish? can someone please explain :confused: ? or is fishing mainly an amusing pastime and not a serious source of income?


  • #2
    well Cooking skill has recipes that use fish. When you catch stuff like squid I hear sells for a pretty good amount of money.

    Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


    • #3
      but i dont think culinarians are begging us to give them fish. it seems the most popular crafting items dont need fish - meat kabobs and juices.

      maybe the squid gives a lot of money but exactlyhow much? and does it justify the time it takes? ive tried fishing before, and while it is cool to carry a pole around, i didnt catch anything and it seem i could get more from gil farming, killing mobs. any other ideas on the advantages of fishing :confused:



      • #4
        Fishing doesn't start being more rewarding until around skill 8 or 9, it seems.

        At 9 I noticed a large difference in the amount of moat carp I was catching. I seemed to catch as many with the cheap "little worm"s as with the more expensive "insect ball."

        Standing around and catching 12 moat carp, that sell at the auction house in about 15 minutes for 4000 gil, is not that bad. At times I might catch nearly 24 in an hour plus.

        Moat carp are priced in a fairly standard way on any server, since 10,000 of them gets you a Lu Shang's Rod in a quest. Other fish probably vary more, but on Odin at the Windurst auction I noticed some that sold for more per stack than moat carp.

        I carry around my fishing clothes and pole, then any old time I can stop along a river/lake/ocean/moat/puddle and fish. Its something to do whenever, or on boat rides.

        Its a bit of a patient hobby at first, like in real life I guess. For a newbie it can be the most money they easily make. Pre level 13 I never expected to be hauling in that much cash, to the point where I could buy whatever quest items I needed and such for quests like the gobbiebag. Its a means to an end.

        Copyright 2002-2003, Square Enix LTD, etc.

        Fishing 11 Recruit
        Clothcraft 1
        35 different Windurst quests done
        20 different San d'Oria quests done
        7 different Bastok quests done
        2 different Mhaura quests done
        1 Jeuno quest done(gobbiebag, yay!)
        146 hours played, jeepers!


        • #5
          Yes, and actually I've tried some foods that use fish as part of the recipe. The ones I can make as a cook have raised INT a good +2/+3 along with many other stats. It actually seemed to be quite usefull for a mage class as long as they aren't reliant on the juices to regen their mp..

          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


          • #6
            Mithra can eat fish raw in the field for stat bonuses as well--it's not uncommon for Mithra to carry around Quus with them for example for quick stat bonuses in the field/combat.


            • #7
              Anyone know any good fishing spots around San d'Oria?
              "We grab swords to protect small wounds that had been buried deep in old memories."
              - Old saying


              • #8
                really, you guys made money off of fishing at early levels? my fishing is at level 3 and i've blown a lot of money on it already. i think i'm sticking with bamboo rods and worms for now. that stuff isn't too expensive. i only catch stuff like quus that sell for a low price. i haven't caught any moat carps yet i think.


                • #9
                  If you're fishing in the ocean and expecting to catch moat carp, well all I can say is good luck. Little Worms are not really the best bait to use if you are expecting to catch a lot, at least not until your fishing skill is higher.

                  You'll get lucky if you catch moat carp with little worms or lug worms. You need insect paste at start to catch moat carp. As for rods I've never bought a single one yet. I just go out and hunt the goblin fishers for them. They drop bamboo rods, yew rods, and fastcasting rods is what I've gotten from them so far.

                  Raising your cooking skill high enough so you can make the pastes help a lot too. For little worms you don't even have to buy, just go to the Tahrongi Canyon and hunt the Pygmaoi out there till you get herb seeds dropped. Plant those and with the right crystal you can harvest it for 12 little worms.

                  12 little worms actually happens to be part of the recipe used to make insect paste. So far the only thing I had to pay for simple because I hadn't found a cheap way of getting it is the flower pot I used.

                  Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                  • #10
                    If you start out cheap, fishing will be a loss at low levels as you break rods and just waste a lot of time because the cheaper rods don't get as many bites.

                    I started with a glass rod, and it broke within a night.

                    I switched to a carbon rod, and it lasted me from skill levels 1-8 without any breakage, and this is in port sandoria (a very heavy breaking area for a newb fisher).

                    The last rod i used was a mithra rod, which seemed to get more bites & landings for me.

                    Fishing is a guild because it requires some capital investment of gil to do properly, and then after a while and some skill points it starts generating consistent money.

                    If you have no initial money, you should do production instead (logging/mining/harvesting) or just crystal hunting.


                    • #11
                      there are some very rewarding high lvl quest that require you to catch rare fish.


                      • #12
                        It wouldn't be practical to use gardening to make little worms as it requires a Dark Crystal (decay). Those are worth 350 gil or more at auction last time I checked, and I use them for synthesis. Little worms are only 200 gil at auction.
                        I catch moat carp about 30% of the time with them and my fishing skill is only lv 3. I've also gotten Tricolored Carp and 1 Gold Carp, and occasionally a Crayfish. I've only broken 1 carbon rod before, and that was at the end of the pier in Port San d'Oria next to the brothers with the Moat Carp quest (which rewards 100 gil per moat carp and a Lu Shang's Rod after 10,000 of them).

                        Tricolored carp sell for a hundred gil at auction (Odin, San d'Oria), but sell higher at the Rusty Anchor Pub. Gold Carp sell for 500 at auction, and over 575 depending on your fishing skill (I think) at the Pub.

                        Yeah, anyways. I love fishing, since I have friends on diff servers, it gives me something to do if I am waiting for them to switch to Odin or something.


                        • #13
                          Yeah, I'm at 11 skill and still notice not difference in the rate of moat carp catching when using little worms or insect paste.
                          I'll screw around with that some more to see.

                          Every once in a while I'll buy a stack of insect paste instead, still don't catch anymore moat carp than little worms. Little worms are sold at several stores throughout the land, rather than just fishing shops. Ensassa's in windhurst woods sells them and some street vendor in San d'Oria sells them.

                          You do have to be in a freshwater fishing zone to catch moat carp, which has moat carp in it. Port San d'oria is a freshwater port.

                          In moat carp zones I can also catch a lot of crayfish with the little worms to boot. A Wind crystal plus a crayfish will get you a peeled crayfish, these are listed as bait for black eel and Monke-Onke (which I've not tried to use to catch anything yet.) I just read about this and will see how that goes (since I get a lot of wind crystals smashing easy mobs anyway.)

                          Copyright 2002-2003, Square Enix LTD, etc.

                          Fishing 11 Recruit
                          Clothcraft 1
                          35 different Windurst quests done
                          20 different San d'Oria quests done
                          7 different Bastok quests done
                          2 different Mhaura quests done
                          1 Jeuno quest done(gobbiebag, yay!)
                          146 hours played, jeepers!


                          • #14
                            I've only broken 2 rods getting to level 8. A yew and a fastwater. Mhuara and Selbina both seem to be great at getting raises in your level, in both places i used a fastwater rod plus a sabiki lure. In mhuara i hauled up a silver ring which i sold for 1.5k and caught yellow globes there. In Selbina i caught greedies and got alot of .2 raises. Now i'm back in windurst fishing up a good many moat carp with cheap little worms, you can buy those at Ensasa's for 3 gil a piece...200 per stack at the AH is outrageous for sure. I must be lucky though because all i hear on my server is how many rods people are breaking and how much fishing sucks compared to actually making things to sell...i'm also lvl 7 in weaving and boy is that cost prohibative, fishing is much more profitable - if time confuming.

                            Lu Shang's - Obtained: 10/05/04


                            • #15
                              I don't know about anyone else, but I find the fishing delay (is it 15 seconds?) really annoying.

                              I don't think any other crafting skill has that big of a delay between attempts. Granted, fishing doesn't require usage of crystals.

