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Arrow Frustration

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  • Arrow Frustration

    I'm planning on eventually becoming a ranger and I was planning on making my own arrows to save money. But I looked at the recipes for arrows....

    ... to make bone arrows you have to have carpenter skill plus boneworker skill at level 3.

    ... to make iron arrows you have to have carpenter skill plus blacksmith skill at level 21.

    ... to make silver arrows you have to have crapenter skill plus goldsmith skill at level 26.

    I'm already having a hard enough time keeping up with the carpenter skill. Having to work at one other skill wouldn't be so bad, but I have to work at two other skills (actually three if I want to make thunder, ice, and fire arrows (alchemist)). Plus I also see that a good number of the bows require boneworking skill too. How am I supposed to keep up with that?

    Has anyone else had to face this problem? And if so, what skills did you concentrate on?

  • #2
    If you have the time, you should level up those other guilds to save even more money on arrows.

    But, to make the arrows itself, it seems like you are looking at the outdated recipes. There are new recipes for these arrows that do not require extra guild levels.

    As a general rule, to make an arrow, you'll need:

    Earth Crystal + (certain types of processed wood) + (certain types of processed feather) + (certain types of arrowhead)


    • #3
      I kinda had the same question about those recipes..that they seem really hard to keep up with for beginner crafter/rangers

      I only know one recipe so far for arrows:

      arrowwood lumber + stone arrowhead + chocobo fletching + earth crystal = 33 stone arrows

      tongyang, do you know what some of those new recipes are?


      • #4
        I believe it's the same recipe except for removing out all other skill level requirements. I know I can make bone arrows with 0 in boneworking skill.
        5x rng
        3x thf
        2x nin
        0x whm


        • #5

          It's generally Earth + arrowhead + vane (usually lumber) + fletchings = 33 arrows.

          For stone it's stone arrowhead + arrowwood lumber + chocobo fletchings.
          (with stone arrowhead = wind + 2 flint stones, and choco fletchings = wind + 2 choco feathers).

          Bone arrows are the same formula, but with bone arrowheads and yagudo fletchings instead.

          Iron use iron arrowhead, and ash lumber I think (don't have the formula in front of me).

          And yes, you should be able to make all the arrows just with Woodworking *assuming you have the components*.
          If you want to make the components yourself, THEN you'll need to work up the other tradeskills (noteable boneworking, goldsmithing, some weaving, and some blacksmithing, depending on the fletching / arrowhead).


          • #6
            Oh wow, I don't need those extra skills to make those arrows? Thank you so much for telling me. I am so relieved.

            I took a look at the price of iron and silver arrowheads on my server though. They were like 3,000 gil for iron (12) and 5,000 gil for silver (12). So I still think I'll be working on those skills to save money there.


            • #7
              whoa its earth!?!

              Dang I've been using wind to make my wood arrows... and I have like 7 stacks of earth sitting in my safe.


              edit: Though it seems cheeper, unless stone arrowheads and choco fletchings are cheep at the AH, since you would need two wind to make one set of 33 stone arrows.


              • #8
                Arrows & Arrowheads

                Is there a full list anywhere that describes the new recipes as well as how to make the relevant arrowheads?


                • #9
                  Some lower level recipes I can verify. Each combo yields 6 arrowheads or 6 fletchings.

                  Arrowheads :

                  Stone : Wind + 2 Flint Stones (Blacksmithing I think?)

                  Bone : Wind + 2 Bone Chips (Boneworking)

                  Iron : Wind + Copper Ingot + Iron Ingot (Blacksmithing)

                  Silver : Wind + Copper Ingot + Silver Ingot (Goldsmithing)

                  Fletchings (all are Weaving) :

                  Chocobo : Wind + 2 Chocobo Feathers

                  Yagudo : Wind + 2 Yagudo Feathers


                  Arrows (all Woodworking. Each combo yields 33 arrows) :

                  Stone : Earth + Arrowwood Lumber + Stone Arrowhead + Chcobo Fletching

                  Bone : Earth + Arrowwood Lumber + Bone Arrowhead + Yagudo Fletching

                  Iron : Earth + Arrowwood Lumber + Iron Arrowhead + Chocobo Fletching

                  Silver : Earth + Ash Lumber + Silver Arrowhead + Chocobo Fletching

                  (keep in mind the first 2 arrows are around 5 skill or less to do. The Iron and Silver require about 20 skill to do. Similarly, for the arrowheads and fletchings above, there's quite a difference in skill levels required. Choco fletchings you can do at lvl 0, while Yagudo you'll need about 10 or 15 in weaving I think to be able to do. Bone arrowheads need about 4 or 5 skill to do reliably, and Iron and Silver require about 20 in their smithing fields to do reliably as well.)


                  • #10
                    Also, heheh, your going to need a lot of money at first no matter what your trying to skill up. However, at the end, its all good and dandy, especially when making ingots, arrows, etc.

                    I remember spending 50k to get Goldsmith from 1-20...heheh...that's including profits also.
                    Name - Spatuazle **DELETED**
                    Elvaan - Male
                    Size - Medium

