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Boneworking problems.

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  • Boneworking problems.

    I do it alot, ALOT, but it never levels up. In that guide they give us it says it will go up .1 points everytime we try to make something. And its not working...

    I need to get to making stuff like spike and fang neck thingies, and +1 stuff that sell for alot. And the only combinations I know are cat bags, bone arrowheads, and shell earrings. The way I fail so much isn't even worth the amount I get by selling what actually does get made...

    How has everybody else gotten their level so high?

  • #2
    First of all, you can only level up a certain amount for each Rank. Are you an Amateur, Recruit, Initiate, or Novice? In order to get a rank up for the guild you have to synthesize specific items.

    The items to sythesize for each rank are:

    Ameteur: Shell Ring. (Fish Scales and Seashell using a Wind Crystal)

    Recruit: Bone Ring. (Sheep Tooth and Bone Chip using a Wind Crystal)

    Initiate: Beetle Earring. (Beetle Jaw and Silver Earring using an Earth Crystal)

    Novice: Horn Ring. (Fish Scales and Ram Horn using a Wind Crystal)

    Also, you need to be at least of Recruit rank to make the Fang Necklace. The ingredients for it are: Grass Thread, Bone Chip (2), Black Tiger Fang, and Bat Fang (4) using an Earth Crystal.


    • #3
      Yea, I made myself a personal guide and for my LS.

      I got to lvl 20 at the end of Beta, and just yesterday I got lvl 8 in retail and became a "Recruit".
      Full Cursed= O
      Full Str Gear= O
      Apocalypse= ; ;

      DRK - /war /thf /nin /sam /whm
      1-year break.. everything so cheap O_O


      • #4
        Wow thanks alot, thats awesome.


        • #5
          hello. I have had problems with my bone guild as well. But i finally figured out what happened...........In last patch they made it so sub guild really matters now. Meaning you need weaver, alchemy and tannery. my bone is 59 now and i have to level up tannery more to make amors some items it says cannot make even though i have recipe, skelton key sigh is gone too til i get alchemy higher and so are guns. Now I know why people have said bone is one of the harder ones. Needs more than 1 guild. As of now tannery is 20 and alchemy is 15 still no keys or scorpion armor for bone ..;;;;;;;;;;; hopefully by 40 i can make again. I also have cooking 65 that is probably easiest to do and cheaper.


          • #6
            i started this guild today and i didnt fail at all, i thought you are supposed to fail alot at any guild. i only made 5 or 6 things but they all worked first try and went up each time

            fk yes

